Search Results for: masturbation

Blog Post

“Women Just Don’t Have a Porn Problem”

“Addiction begins where dalliance becomes disease. It can happen to anyone.” –Sandy Swenson Porn does not discriminate. Jesus-freak or atheist. Male or female. Prosperous or poor. On any given Sunday, chances are there’s a porn addict in the pew desperate for help. Women Addicted to Porn? Within large, evangelical churches…

Blog Post

The Journey to Conquer Pornography

I am an elite-level skateboarder who has been in the sport for fifteen years. I was raised in a Christian household, the eldest in my family, the adventurist, and the thrill seeker. My battle with porn started very abruptly in my sophomore year of high school, and at the time,…

Blog Post

Why won’t God take my sexual desire away?

My name is Patricia Weerakoon, and I am a Christian sexologist. After 23 years in the University of Sydney, I retired from my academic position as director of a graduate program in sexual health to bring my twin passions together: God and Sex. What better place to start than with…

Blog Post

Does Porn Impact the Brain?

“…masturbation is the one great habit that is a ‘primary addiction,’ and that the other addictions, for example, alcohol, morphine, tobacco, excessive gambling, etc., only enter into life as a substitute and replacement for it.” – Sigmund Freud It probably doesn’t come as much of a shock to people that…

Blog Post

How does porn effect the body and brain?

What are these men looking at? If you guessed porn, you’re correct. These faces appeared in a New York magazine article about the effects of porn on impotence. What does a neurologist see when he sees faces like this? Dr. William Struthers of Wheaton College says these slack-jawed, deadening faces…

Blog Post

Is Porn Use Causing Erectile Dysfunction in Teens?

There’s not a lot of attention spent on erectile dysfunction in teens, however an increasing amount of younger men and teens find themselves struggling with this problem. The majority of causes for erectile dysfunction are age-related, but for teens and young men, erectile dysfunction may be psychological and is often…

Blog Post

Porn: The Drug that Shrinks the Soul

Over 50% of evangelical pastors admitted to viewing porn last year. More than 70% of men from the age of 18 to 34 visit a pornography site each month. Nine out of ten children from the ages of 8 to 16 have viewed porn on the Internet. (Stats from Safe…

Blog Post

Porn Addiction Help

Freedom from the Power of Lust “Sex has become the religion of the most civilized portions of the earth. The orgasm has replaced the Cross as the focus of longing and the image of fulfillment.” – Malcolm Muggeridge (British journalist) Matthew is 23 years old, single, just graduated from college,…