Embark on your journey to recovery.

Arise is a 21-day video program designed to help women break free from unwanted porn use and find sexual healing.

Heal at Your Pace

You have lifetime access to Arise, so take the time you need to find the freedom you desire.

21-Day Program

21 days of videos and worksheets full of recovery techniques and Scripture to support you.

A Community of Sisters

Join Beth Davis and other caring women from around the world who are learning together and supporting one another.

Meet Beth Davis, the woman who will be your guide for the next 21 days.

A word from others

“Arise is a much-needed and timely resource for women on a journey of healing. I’m delighted that courageous women seeking help for their struggles will have this great resource to guide them.”

Melissa Haas

Christian Counselor, Clinical Sex Addiction Therapist, Cofounder of HopeQuest

Beth Davis is a lover of Jesus, a retired youth minister, and the Director of Formation for Blessed is She. She is passionate about teaching women how to develop an intimate relationship with Jesus in prayer through writing, speaking, and mentorship.

Her favorite things include being an aunt to her niece and nephews, making friends everywhere she goes, and whatever book she’s currently reading.

Interested in bringing Arise to your church? Learn More

“Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away; for now the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth; the time of singing has come…”

It’s time to find freedom.