Search Results for: masturbation

Blog Post

The Smutty Professors: What Parents Need to Know About “Sex Weeks”

Warning: The following article contains sexually graphic information. Reader discretion is advised. When parents of students at the University of Tennessee forked over $11,000 for the first year of college tuition, they probably weren’t thinking that their child would get a first-class education in how to masturbate. Just last week…

Blog Post

Husband Addicted to Porn – New Christian Book Helps Hurting Women

“If you are reading this introduction, it’s most likely because God has unveiled your husband’s secret addiction to lust, masturbation, and pornography. Perhaps I am the first to say this to you: I’m so sorry. I’m sorry for all the feelings you have experienced that have risen from the depths…

Blog Post

Announcing the 2023 Covenant Eyes Scholarship Applications!

In 2009, Covenant Eyes started what has become an important tradition: offering scholarship opportunities to students who use our service. Since then, Covenant Eyes has awarded tens of thousands of dollars to scholarship winners. In 2017, Covenant Eyes lost one of our member care agents, Kenneth Bowen, in a tragic…

Blog Post

The Power of Habits: A Tool for Christian Counselors

Part of God’s kindness to us is that he wired us to be habitual. Habits are very good things. Habits make us better people. Imagine riding a bicycle while looking at your feet to make sure your feet are placed on the pedals. Imagine trying to type while watching your…

Blog Post

Protecting Our Freedom: Why Leaving It at the Altar Isn’t Enough

I recently received an e-mail from a client stating she had some very good news for me–she had been set free by the power of Jesus after years of addiction to porn and masturbation. Someone ministered at her church on her exact struggle. She went to the altar, left it there, and has now been…

Blog Post

Why Medicating Shame’s Pain with Porn Never Works

Shame is as old as Adam and Eve…well, almost. Genesis 2:24-25 says, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.  And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.” In the beginning God…


Day 7: Brain Chemicals and Porn Addiction

Day 7: Brain Chemicals and Porn Addiction In 2004, Dr. Judith Reisman has called porn an “erototoxin,” theorizing that the brain itself might be damaged while watching porn. She speculated that future brain studies would reveal that the surge of neurochemicals and hormones released when someone watches porn has measurably negative effects on…

Last Updated: March 27, 2024

Blog Post

Hungry for Porn or Just Hungry?

What in the world would make a fish go after a worm on a hook? Perhaps it’s because he’s just a total idiot. Or he’s a disgusting gluttonous pig who can’t control his desires. Maybe it’s because he’s evil.  Possibly it’s because he’s worthless and doesn’t even deserve to live at all.…

Blog Post

Resources for Women Who Struggle With Porn

Ever since we launched our blog in 2008, we have been addressing the pressing issue of a woman’s struggle with pornography. Below are some of our best, most-popular resources and our recommendations for women caught in this struggle. Articles for Women How Does It Feel to Be a Woman Addicted to Porn? by…