Search Results for: masturbation

Blog Post

7 Ways Facebook is Similar to Porn

Recently I was doing some research about social media, hoping to learn how to do it more effectively. A part of the research took me to this article: Four Things You Thought You Knew About Social Media. While I gleaned many good things from the article—things I can apply to how…

Blog Post

How to Preach About Porn Without Filling Your Email Inbox

Your Church Probably Needs to Talk More About Pornography “Now, I know I’m going to get a lot of emails about this…” It was a joke Noel made often. Noel is the lead teaching pastor at a megachurch in Michigan. As such, he’s the church’s most public face for several…

Blog Post

Silence: The Sound of Female Sexual Shame

Updated as of July, 2020. Women now make up 30% of all pornography users. For too long, society has presumed pornography to be an exclusively “man’s issue.”[i] The continued cultural silence for female pornography use has driven many women further into the shadows. Silence intensifies shame and therefore deepens your…

Blog Post

Facing Temptation (Part 5): Trusting vs. Testing

The most subtle sin in my life is my lack of God-centeredness. It shows up in a thousand ugly ways. I walk through much of my day, not in a dialog with the Father, but listening to the sound of my own thoughts. I make plans to rise, eat, walk,…

Blog Post

Six Reasons Why Guys Like Porn (and how to break free)

I’ve been doing quite a bit of meditating on Proverbs 7 recently. In the text, King Solomon is looking out his window, looking down on the streets of Jerusalem, giving his commentary about a naïve man he sees strolling by the door of a prostitute. She lures him in. He…

Blog Post

The God Who Sees Me

The following blog post is based on a sermon given by Chris McKenna at the Wesleyan Church of Hamburg in January 2018. If your church recognizes that porn is eroding the lives of people in your congregation (which we believe it is doing in churches everywhere), please consider setting up…

Blog Post

Help Me Conquer Porn Addiction: 3 Ways to Walk in the Spirit

The following is an excerpt from our free e-book, Your Brain on Porn: 5 proven ways pornography warps your mind and 3 biblical ways to renew it. For those who have been entrenched in pornography, how do we reverse its mind-warping effects? How do we renew our minds (Rom. 12:1-2)? The…

Blog Post

Bringing Rape Culture to Light

How the Cultural Treatment of Women Impacts the Acceptability of Sexual Violence Have you heard the one about the comedian who joked about his audience getting gang-raped? In July 2012, two young women attended an event at a comedy club where Daniel Tosh, known for his “envelope-pushing” humor, was performing.…


History of Covenant Eyes

Your web browser does not support iframes, which means that the video The Story of Covenant Eyes cannot play.   “I have made a covenant with my eyes.” – Job 31:1 Inventing Internet Accountability In the year 2000, Covenant Eyes founder Ron DeHaas recognized the dangers and possibilities of the…

Last Updated: December 15, 2023