Search Results for: masturbation

Blog Post

Guarding Kids in a Sexualized Culture

Janeen has an infectious smile. It shines on the soccer field or when she plays piano. But when this 12-year-old honor roll student’s grades began to slide, her mom began to dig for answers and discovered her daughter engrossed in Internet pornography. Therapist Richard Blankenship (who changed Janeen’s name for…

Blog Post

Accountability in Church

Statistics show that as many as 64% of church-going men of all ages and 34% of church-going women ages 18-30 look at porn regularly.1 Unfortunately, accountability is largely absent from the church today. Most Christians are not accountable to their churches or anyone in them. According to Barna, only 5% of Christians in the USA have accountability at their churches.2 Is accountability in the church really that…

Blog Post

5 Common Mistakes When Helping Wives of Porn Addicts in Our Churches

Whether you are a member of a congregation, a volunteer Sunday school teacher, a small group leader, or a pastor, statistics show that there is likely a woman in your congregation struggling with her husband’s pornography use. It stands to reason that a woman who belongs to a church (or…

Blog Post

My Un-Saved Spouse Views Porn and Doesn’t Care

There are multiple things to consider in response to a pornography-using, unrepentant husband. The ugly truth is that many marriages have at least one spouse who is involved with sexual sin through pornography. Numerous surveys report that 53% of men admit they view pornography weekly. In many cases, the wife…

Blog Post

50 Things to Do Instead of Watching Porn

So you’re bored. Porn seems like a good way to fill time, right? Wrong. When you find yourself with nothing to do, it’s easy to turn to porn. Unfortunately, this only leads to false satisfaction and can further addiction.  To curb boredom before you’re even feeling it, I want to…

Blog Post

Talking to Your Daughter About Sex and Porn: A Stage-by-Stage Guide

When it comes to discussing sex and pornography, how soon is too soon? It’s a question many parents ask. They don’t want to overexpose their children or be guilty of stirring up temptation in their children’s lives. At the same time, they don’t want to risk missing their cue and…

Blog Post

iPorn: Coming to a School Near You

$1 billion. That’s how much America’s second-largest school district is paying to get iPads into the hands of every one of its 650,000 students this year. The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) is paying $678 per iPad—each one preloaded with educational software—and installing wireless networks on all of its…

Blog Post

5 Bad Habits That Kill Love in a Marriage

We live by habits–some good, but some bad! We have habitual behaviors, like driving the same path to work every day without even thinking about where we are going or turning next–we just do it. We also have habitual thought patterns, like the person who always thinks the negative, or…

Blog Post

Strength Is Found in Numbers: Pastor Noah’s Freedom Story

Continued from Part 2 of Noah’s story… I was hooked on porn as a Bible college student. I fell back into it in the first years of my marriage. I wanted to flee marriage and pursue a life of promiscuity. As I clung to God through failure, his grace carried me through.…