Search Results for: masturbation

Blog Post

Is the iPad the Real American Idol?

I gave my wife Priscilla an iPad for Christmas this year and life will never be quite the same in the Lohrmann household. Yes, she’s owned (and regularly used) desktops, laptops, cellphones and more over the past decade, but this is different—very different. Allow me to explain. After plenty of…

Blog Post

Internet Cookies: A Recipe for Disaster?

Recently, Facebook has been under fire because of a “bug” in their system. According to PCWorld the bug violated Facebook users’ privacy, and Congress even asked the Federal Trade Commission to step in and investigate. And as USA Today pointed out, this is a repeating pattern. Researcher Arnold Roosendaal said,…

Blog Post

Do You Have the Emotional Intelligence to Quit Porn?

“Yeah, I would say Kevin is making good progress with his pornography addiction,” Carol told me during a couple’s session when I asked if she thought her husband was on the right path of recovery. “But there’s still something wrong. He doesn’t talk, except to give one-word answers, and I…

Blog Post

Teaching teens about sexual purity isn’t good enough. Here’s why.

Is the phrase “sexual purity” overused in the church today? Your answer to this question will depend greatly on the church circles in which you run, but the heart of the question is meant to help us reflect on what the phrase “sexual purity” actually means. Purity, by its very…

Blog Post

Parents: Take the John Newton Challenge

When it comes to subjects like lust, sexual purity, and pornography, much can be written about forgiveness for past sins, the strength to overcome addictive habits, and healing hidden hurts. But prevention is really the best medicine. We can prevent our exposure to things that defile the heart and mind.…

Blog Post

Ten Tips For Maintaining Sexual Integrity

Tip 1: GET REAL Recognize that sexual temptation is unavoidable in our sex-obsessed culture. Erotic images on billboards, films, television and a thousand other stimulants are bombarding you daily. Being a Christian doesn’t exempt you from temptation. The godliest of men can fall prey to it. So the first step…

Blog Post

10 Ways to Fight Temptation

James 1:14-15 clearly outlines the process of temptation, “But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust. Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death.” In this passage, we find six stages of the…

Blog Post

For Allies: How to Respond When Your Friend Looks at Porn

Brian hopped on his laptop to see if any grad schools had gotten back to him yet. He knew he had just sent out his transcripts an hour before, and he knew that clicking the refresh button on his browser had no scientific ability to generate new emails that had…

Blog Post

Why are so many Christians addicted to porn?

According to a recent survey by the Barna Group, 21% of Christian men say they have thought they were “addicted” to porn or said they weren’t sure. This is more than two times what non-Christian men said (10%). Interestingly, 64% of Christian men say they view porn at least once a month,…

Blog Post

Sold for Life

How Advertising Influences Children, and What You Can Do About It You’ve no doubt seen the kid in the grocery store, throwing a temper tantrum because his parents wouldn’t buy him the new toy or candy he wanted. Maybe you’ve even been that parent, and you know the sting of…