Search Results for: masturbation

Blog Post

Slender Man and Other Big Fat Digital Dangers Headed For Your Young Children

Dumbfounded. That’s the common reaction to the recent news story of the Slender Man stabbings. Like many, you’d probably never heard of the fictional paranormal character who is linked to influencing two 12-year-old girls to allegedly stab (with the intent to kill) another girl 19 times in a nearby woods.…

Blog Post

FAQ: What should I tell my kids about my husband’s porn problem?

Josh had been losing a battle against pornography and adultery for years when he decided he wanted to end his marriage. He had met someone new and wanted to move out, leaving his wife, Serena, devastated and alone. But Serena wasn’t the only one who suffered. He also left his children without…

Blog Post

How Porn Is Keeping Men from Marriage

As porn use has skyrocketed, the average age of first marriages has increased to 27 for women and 29 for men. For starters, this means we’re waiting longer for marriage at a time when our culture makes it more difficult to wait for sex. The result: more hooking up, more…

Blog Post

Awakening Our Thirst for God (part 2)

“Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his belly will flow rivers of living water.’” In a previous post we spoke about a festival in Jerusalem in the days of Jesus where the pilgrims would cry out to God to pour out His Spirit upon them,…

Blog Post

Cybernetic Control Over Porn: Perspectives on Willpower 3

In our last article, we looked at what kinds of plans succeed or fail to accomplish your goals. This article explores the interaction between you and your plans—”cybernetic control.” Cybernetic control sounds like something from a sci-fi movie or a dystopian novel. Think of human behavior like a computer; how…

Blog Post

Tiger Woods’ Confession – my two cents

I know every sexual addiction spokesperson on the planet has already jumped all over the Tiger Woods story, but at the risk of being a Johnny-come-lately, I throw in my two cents. First, if you didn’t watch the press conference, you can read the transcript on Tiger’s Web page, or…

Blog Post

How a Different Approach to Lent Can Help Your Children

Sometimes the easy thing to do in Lent is to give something up. We give up sweets, watching television, and maybe try to stop spending excessive amounts of money on material things. We might even give up the same thing each year. Giving things up can sometimes be the easy way…

Blog Post

5 Accountability Questions I Wish My Ally Would Ask Me

I don’t like the word “accountability partner” any more than I like the word “diet,” and I dislike them both for the same reason. They sound like an exception and a punishment rather than a lifestyle and a gift. No one is going to live on a diet or in…

Blog Post

6 Habits Your Kids Need to Build Right Now

Growing up in today’s culture requires building habits from a young age that, when practiced, will sustain and equip kids to face the pressures, traps, and lures of a society that has lost its fear and concept of God—a society, in fact, that promotes a worldview in which any idea,…

Last Updated: October 26, 2020 Emma Joy