Search Results for: masturbation

Blog Post

5 Common Questions Kids Ask About Porn

One of my jobs at Covenant Eyes is to read all of the comments that people leave on this blog. Sometimes, I receive comments and questions from kids who feel all alone and don’t know who to talk to. If you’re a kid and you’re reading this, have you ever…

Blog Post

6 Steps to Experience Freedom as a Woman Trapped by Porn

I was angry. Emotions swirled in my head—confusion, sadness, shame, betrayal—as my tears hit the pew. I had just come from my first confession including my struggle with masturbation. Years of an addiction I didn’t realize I had because of the lies I believed. Lies I told myself. That was…

Blog Post

Single Men Battling Pornography: Win a Free Book Bundle

Having sexual integrity in a hyper-sexualized world can be difficult. But for unmarried Christian men, the incentive to remain pure is often not as high as we would like. With no godly sexual outlet and sexual media available at every turn, it is easy to make peace with porn. The…

Blog Post

The Age of the Fapstronauts: Interview with NoFap Founder, Alexander Rhodes

Episode 142 [powerpress] Back in June 2011, Alexander Rhodes founded a subreddit called NoFap, an online community of men and women supporting each other to cut out pornography and masturbation from their lives. That community has since grown to nearly 150,000 people and has spawned the creation of Today,…

Blog Post

Are you over-spiritualizing your porn struggle?

Have you ever thought that you may be over-spiritualizing, or possibly under-spiritualizing, your struggle with pornography? The content you read here may include religious language from other denominations. Please don’t let this distract from the overall message. Covenant Eyes frequently writes from a Christian perspective (both Catholic and Protestant), but we work…

Blog Post

Tactics to Get Pure and Stay Pure (Part 3)

Wouldn’t it be great if there were cloaking devices for sin? In Star Trek, a cloaking device was used to hide or mask the presence of a spaceship. Using such a device, you could sneak up on the enemy and launch a surprise attack, or you could sneak away from…

Blog Post

How to Ruin Your Sex Life Before You’re Even Married!

Want a great sex life for 20–30–50 years of marriage? Here are some principles that will affect the end results! After many years working with youth and counseling families, my husband and I have seen the devastating results when one chooses to violate God’s principles; yet we have seen the wonderful…

Blog Post

Touch: Undervalued and Misused, but Designed by God

When is the last time somebody touched you on purpose? Maybe it was this morning, when you and your spouse kissed each other goodbye before work. Maybe it was two weeks ago when you went to the chiropractor. Maybe you can’t remember the last time someone touched you. Touch is…

Blog Post

How Pain Leads to Porn

Porn was Dan’s anesthetic, numbing his wounds and relieving the ache of unmet desires. As a skinny kid who felt unattractive, Dan Wobschall’s gaze would fall to the floor or maybe to his shoes when he tried to talk to a girl. He felt inadequate, and the bullies who used…

Blog Post

Why Do Men Binge on Porn?

Understanding the Neuroscience Behind Online Harems A wife who stumbles on the Internet tracks of her husband’s porn tour is often shocked at the number of images and videos in this cyber harem. Why so many? Why so varied? People, and even some scientific studies, have offered simplistic answers to…