Search Results for: masturbation

Blog Post

The Sex Buffet: How Availability Changes the Way Culture Sees Women

I was at our local grocery store the other day in the checkout aisle when I saw her. I had never seen anything this disturbing in my grocery store before. There she was, right in front of my eyes without a shirt on. I’m not exaggerating here. Thankfully she was wearing…

Blog Post

Talking to Your Kids About Sex: A Parent-Child Bible Study

Talking to their kids about lust and pornography feels daunting for many parents. And these topics are secondary to a more foundational discussion of sex. Parents who are fearful of talking to their kids about sex leave a void of silence the world—especially pornography—will be glad to fill. The problem…

Blog Post

Fighting for Purity

Updated April 2022 We live in a culture where the constant refrain in our movies, television shows, and music seems to be pursue sex outside of marriage because there are “no consequences.” Our public schools and government (particularly via Planned Parenthood) openly encourage young people to pursue sex outside of…

Blog Post

10 Lies Pop Culture Teaches About Sex

Right or wrong, our culture teaches us about sex. The media conducts sex education all the time.” –Stephen Witmer Pop culture is a powerful force in society, as it colors our views of social issues, people, relationships, and sexual activity. What we see, read, and hear through the media influences…

Last Updated: August 31, 2020 Emma Joy

Blog Post

Porn Was Defeated on the Cross: Eric’s Freedom Story

Pornography changed my life forever. My name is Eric Doerneman, and I’m a Dragon Rider. Let me explain. I was exposed to pornography at an early age. Growing up at home, we had the internet with no filters. On top of that, my parents knew that I was a good…

Blog Post

5 Internet Monitoring Tactics for Parents

In March and April, Knowledge Networks asked 535 pairs of parents and their teens a number of questions about Internet use. The results were interesting: 28% of teens believe their parents are not checking their Web browsing history. But of these teens, 41% of their parents say they are in…

Blog Post

"Never Say Comfortable" – Chapter Review

The following is a review of Chapter 6 of Why Small Groups? by C.J. Mahaney. This free e-book is available on the Sovereign Grace Ministries online store and is a helpful guide for accountability groups. . . . . “We love our comfort, don’t we?” It’s just so American, and…

Blog Post

Have Yourself a Merry Little (Porn-Free) Christmas

A classic movie, Meet Me in St. Louis, was released weeks before Christmas in 1944. Judy Garland played the leading role, as a young woman seeking to comfort her sister in the face of their father moving the family to New York City against their wishes. Garland sang the following…