Search Results for: masturbation

Blog Post

Facing Temptation (Part 7): The Word Made Flesh

In this series of posts we’ve explored in depth the temptation accounts of Jesus (Matthew 4 and Luke 4). We’ve done this to not only understand how we might win in the face of our own temptations, but to come to a greater appreciation for and love of Christ, who…

Blog Post

A Journey Toward Integrity (Scholarship Essay)

Each year Covenant Eyes awards thousands of scholarship dollars to students who demonstrate integrity. This year, we’re doing it again! Check out the application information and pass it along to a student you know or apply for the scholarship today. Applications are due by May 31. The essays below were written by one of the…

Blog Post

More Thoughts for Women Captive to Porn

Hello again, friend. I wanted to share a few more thoughts with you since the post a few weeks ago. Jesus REALLY is your real and present Savior and Deliverer for any area of sin struggle, including your addiction to porn. But HOW does He deliver us? Should you say…

Blog Post

10 Reasons Why Accountability in the Church Is Unpopular

A Barna Group telephone survey of Christians across the United States reveals some interesting facts about the state of accountability in the church: Only 5% of people say their church does anything to hold them accountable for integrating biblical beliefs and principles into their lives.¹ For those who are held accountable…

Blog Post

6 Lessons on Relationships that Animated Movies Teach Your Kids

“The earliest messages are often the longest-lasting messages. Charles Spurgeon said that the voices of childhood echo throughout life so that ‘The first learned is generally the last forgotten.’ This can be a tremendous blessing when truth is taught early and when it sinks in deep. […] But this same…

Last Updated: October 23, 2020 Emma Joy

Blog Post

For Parents Only: Sex Addiction Therapist Reveals Her Biggest Shock

Kindergarten. That’s where Cheryl’s son was first exposed to pornography. How could this happen? Cheryl [not her real name] had taken every precaution to prevent this. As a certified sex addiction therapist, she had a fierce determination to protect her son from pornography. Her home computer was protected by the…

Blog Post

Deceptively Effective: What Our Screen-Saturated World Is Doing to You

What happens when you use technology without intention? Author, speaker, and Covenant Eyes software developer Doug Smith tackles that question in a recent episode of the Covenant Eyes podcast. As a software developer, Doug spent time creating marketing technology for Fortune 500 companies. He saw firsthand how technology was being…

Blog Post

3 Benefits of Using Covenant Eyes to Quit Porn

Porn has engulfed our culture like a tsunami. The statistics on pornography use, even among children, are staggering. Even worse, today’s hardcore porn is so extreme that it makes hardcore porn of the past look relatively innocent by comparison. But chances are, you already know about pornography’s harmful effects. There…

Blog Post

Learning To Feel Like a Whole Person

I was 12 years old when I first started looking at porn. I don’t remember the first time, but it started with just random magazines and Pinterest art. I didn’t know why I liked looking at it, and I wasn’t sure that it was okay, but it made me feel…