Search Results for: masturbation

Blog Post

3 Essential Responses to Your Spouse’s Betrayal Trauma Triggers

“What are you looking at?!” Lisa shrieks while her eyes bulge and her body pulses with adrenaline. Doug looks up from his phone like a deer caught in the headlights. Panicked, he tries to reassure his wife that he really was just checking email. Lisa grabs the phone to look…

Blog Post

Oh, To Be Transformed: Abigail’s Story

The most beautiful gifts from God are the most perverted by the enemy, and from how perverted the sex industry has become, as well as evidence from the Bible, sex is also one of the most amazing things God has given us. Instead of just having humans have the ability…

Blog Post

How Covenant Eyes Helps Protect Your Kids on Mobile

“Excuse me. The pastor mentioned pornography in today’s message. Do you have any resources on that?” From my position behind the info booth at my church, I hid a little bit of a laugh from the middle-aged woman standing in front of me. Offering her the resources the church had on…

Blog Post

My Worst Mommy Moment and How It Totally Changed My Parenting

When I became a mother, I was excited to teach my babies about life! They were like sponges. They just soaked up whatever I taught them. Talk about gorgeous. I am an extroverted Catholic mom of eight. I had a lot to say to a lot of little people. Here’s the…

Blog Post

Broadcasting Live from Your Teen’s Bedroom

Imagine drawing back the curtain to your kitchen window and seeing scores of strangers staring back. What if some were even naked or held up signs that read “take off your shirt”? As bizarre and creepy as that vision may be, many teens pull back the virtual curtain of their…

Blog Post

5 Ways to Grow in Christ that Help Defeat Addiction

Pornography is a real problem for many people today. Consider Sam. Sam struggles with pornography on a weekly basis. Every time he looks at pornography he feels guilt and shame. Sam has read the books and articles on how to defeat addiction but still wonders, “Help, I’m addicted to pornography and…

Blog Post

5 Often Neglected Ways to Defeat Porn

Sometimes you can’t see the forest for the trees. You have tried to stop using porn, what…1,000 times? Maybe this new book, latest seminar, next program, men’s retreat, or alter call will make the difference. We all know the long list of failures that may have brought a short respite…

Blog Post

4 Ways to Minister to People with Sexual Addictions

Over the past few years, I’ve been in a fortunate position to be able to minister to many men locally and across the United States who struggle with an addiction to pornography. Pornography is a huge issue inside and outside the church. Based on the things I’ve learned in ministry,…

Blog Post

Underage Linking

Over 7 million kids are lying about their age to join Facebook. It’s called “Smash or Pass.” Boys and girls alike can submit a photo of themselves or someone else to any number of smash-or-pass pages on Facebook. Others then stop by and say whether they would like to “smash”…