Search Results for: masturbation

Blog Post

Having Sexual Conversations with Your Spouse

You know your marriage is strong when you can have sexually oriented conversations with your spouse. Outside of having intimate discussions about what the LORD is doing in your life, there is probably no other kind of marital talk which reveals the true strength of your relationship. Though we live in a…

Blog Post

Don Jon: Pornography, Hollywood, and a Wake-Up Call to Young Men

Editor’s Note: This article analyzes a film that uses highly mature language and images. Reader discretion is advised. Jon’s favorite sound in the world is the startup sound of his computer, the sound that brings him instant arousal. And it’s a sound the viewers of the new movie Don Jon…

Blog Post

Help me save my marriage! My husband watches porn

When sexual addiction has not progressed beyond pornography, this may be even more dangerous and damaging to a marriage than when acting-out behaviors include sex acts with other people. This may not seem to make sense. Surely, after doing research on sex addiction, many wives of porn addicts are relieved…

Blog Post

6 Ways That Watching Porn Affects Relationships

Studies have shown that as much as 70% of men and upwards of 30% of women view porn regularly.1 Furthermore, each successive generation seems to grow more tolerant and accepting of porn. Now, most people accept porn as part of life, a private matter of preference, and nothing to do…

Blog Post

Myths About Pornography

I spend the bulk of my working hours surfing the Web to listen to the chatter about porn. Addicts, wives of addicts, parents of addicts, porn stars and pastors and priests, the tempted and the tried: many people are talking about how habitual pornography viewing has affected them and those…

Support Article

How does the Covenant Eyes Android™ app work?

Covenant Eyes provides accountability for Android™ devices via Screen Accountability, our website filter, and App Locking. Screen Accountability Our monitoring service, Screen Accountability, randomly screen-captures and scans your screen for mature content. Screen Accountability is device-wide and works behind the scenes, so use your favorite browser and apps with peace of mind.…

Last Updated: July 16, 2024

Blog Post

Full Interview with Dr. David Currie

Rethinking the Sex Talk Dr. Dave Currie, a counselor and president of Doing Family Right, was interviewed by Sam Black at Covenant Eyes in June 2012 about how dads can start great conversations with their sons about girls, sex, and even pornography. Provided below is the complete transcript of the…

Blog Post

Repenting of Porn Addiction (Part 1)

I know all too well that there are no quick fixes: no easy tricks or easy solutions to porn addiction. Believe me, I’ve tried them. There were many times of desperation where my latest epiphany seemed like the missing link to my personal recovery. “This is it!” I thought. “This…

Blog Post

Fight Porn in Your Church: What Works and Why It Matters

Dead. That’s exactly how John felt that morning as he faced the platform. He was singing along with the music, eyes closed, trying to focus on the lyrics, trying to lift his heart to God as best he knew how. But like many Sundays before, his soul felt shriveled and…

Blog Post

Why Is Porn So Addictive? 4 Reasons It’s Tough to Resist

Is porn really addictive? And if so, why do so many people have a difficult time quitting? Meet Gary, a man financially ruined by pornography. “[He] acquired a new computer and internet access last Christmas. By February, he had spent over $100,000 on internet pornography and maxed out his credit…