Search Results for: masturbation

Blog Post

4 Ways Porn Kills Great Sex in Marriage

Porn makes promises it can’t keep, especially when it comes to hot sex in marriage. Porn won’t spice up your sex life, and it won’t make you a better lover. Science and psychology show that sharing porn with your spouse or having a secret affair with porn will mess up…

Blog Post

8 Reasons Cosmo Is Totally Wrong About Porn

Cosmopolitan magazine recently put out an article called “8 Reasons Watching Porn Doesn’t Make Him a Cheater.” Let’s look at their so-called reasons. Your web browser does not support iframes, which means that the video 8 Reasons Cosmo Is Dead Wrong About Porn cannot play.   Cosmo’s 8 Reasons 1. Cosmo…

Blog Post

Out of the Abyss: How Empathy Led to Freedom

Stuck. That’s how I felt. Stuck in an infinite abyss at the bottom of a deep, dark well. Stuck in the cycle of: Each time I looped through that cycle, I found myself digging deeper into the pit of that deep well. Regret encamped my mind. Shame—my heart. Living on…

Blog Post

Porn and ED: 3 Peer-Reviewed Studies You Need to Read

Repeated porn consumption rewrites our sexual template, decreasing our arousal by single sexual partners. For a lot of guys, this results in porn-induced erectile dysfunction (PIED). We’ve covered the science behind porn-induced ED in other articles. In this post, we will explore the results of scientific studies on porn and ED that…

Blog Post

Yes, Using Porn Is Cheating. Here’s Why.

I’ve heard it said that there are men who don’t look at porn, and then there are men who are breathing. If recent surveys are any indication, porn use has become the norm among men, not the exception. Still, I get a lot of questions from women who are feeling the…

Blog Post

Habits of Freedom: How to Quit Porn

The following is an edited excerpt from Chapter 6 of the free e-book The Porn Circuit: Understand Your Brain and Break Porn Habits in 90 Days. Download it now. Overcoming a pornography habit or addiction isn’t just about staying away from porn. Much more is needed. Neurologists show that to…

Blog Post

How a Dream About Sex Changed My Marriage

As a newly married couple, my husband and I were naturally active in the bedroom. So, you can imagine my surprise when four months later I found out he was struggling with masturbation. I was crushed. “We have sex like four times a week! How could you possibly need to…

Blog Post

Beth Davis’s Story: Jesus Set Me Free

Like so many people, I was exposed to pornography at a young age—maybe eleven or twelve. I wasn’t looking for it and no one showed it to me. I stumbled on it accidentally.  I knew instinctively that it was not meant for me, but my curiosity was inclined to pornography.…

Blog Post

Resources for Wives of Porn Addicts

If your husband looks at porn, you know firsthand the pain, frustration, and confusion that this can inflict. You are not alone. Ever since our blog was launched in 2008, we’ve written hundreds of articles and conducted many interviews for women who are married to porn addicts. Below are some…