Search Results for: masturbation

Blog Post

Beyond “How Are You?”—Sharper Questions to Ask Your Ally

When discussing an addiction or struggle with pornography and masturbation, you will be hard-pressed to find a “solution” that doesn’t include getting an accountability partner. With any addiction, having an external person as a mentor of sorts is essential to full recovery. These accountability partners allow us to not feel…

Blog Post

Feeling Trapped? 3 Action Steps to Overcome Temptation

The Apostle Paul screams out at the end of Romans 7,“Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death?” Those words resonate with you, don’t they? He feels like he is a wretched man because he knows the good he should be doing, and…

Blog Post

5 Basics of an Effective Accountability Group

How many times have you asked someone to hold you accountable, only for them to do a lousy job? They might have thought that was what they wanted to do but had no clue how to do it. Plus, if it includes holding you accountable for your sexual purity, there…

Blog Post

Strategies for Singles to Keep the Weekends Porn-Free

Millions of people face a choice every weekend: to look or not to look at porn. Whether you’re a man or a woman, young or old, the option to watch porn presents itself on a myriad of computers, gaming systems, and mobile devices. One commenter on our blog wrote, “I…

Support Article

Netflix Parental Controls

Netflix is a popular online streaming service that offers instant access to various TV shows and movies, from cartoons to adult movies. Create Profiles Create a profile for each person to keep the movie and show preferences separate from others on your account. This also allows you to control what…

Last Updated: August 22, 2023

Blog Post

5 Ways Our Marriage Improved Without Porn

Marriage and porn. There are so many ways pornography can infiltrate. In our case, my husband, Craig, brought it in. The addiction started in his teens. It was his own personal escape from the reality of life and a way he could run from his fears and pain. He thought…

Blog Post

Do Christians Overhype Porn Addiction?

Is it true, as one survey suggests, that 50% of Christian men and 20% of Christian women would say they are “addicted” to porn? Really? Has it gotten that bad in the church? A recent study from Case Western Reserve University sheds some light on this subject. Researchers concluded that…

Blog Post

Theology of the Body: On Sex and the Meaning of Life

I thrive when I have something that inspires and drives me. You know, something that puts some pep in your step, wakes you up early in the morning, or even sends you to bed early just to be rested to tackle what you get to do that next day. I met someone who even…

Blog Post

9 Ways That Porn Affects Your Mental Health and Well-Being

What’s the connection between watching pornography and mental health? Does any of this sound like you? If you look at porn regularly, or even occasionally, this could quite likely be a major factor in these feelings or experiences. A common misconception is that porn doesn’t hurt anyone. And while there…

Blog Post

Escaping the Lies of Pornography

In his book Surfing For God: Discovering the Divine Desire Beneath Sexual Struggle, author and counselor Michael John Cusick describes the crafty and effective ways in which our enemy draws us into pornography through a series of lies and broken promises. Like the serpent tempting Adam and Eve, Satan uses…