Search Results for: masturbation

Blog Post

Unleashed from Pornography

by Gene McConnell What man doesn’t want to know that when he leaves this life he will have done things right and left an honorable legacy? In order to do this, we must realize it is necessary to live our lives in such a way that has positive and meaningful…

Blog Post

Dan’s Story: How Christ destroyed my addiction to lust

It all started for me in the mid-80s at a young age. It was all innocent enough. My neighborhood friend found his dad’s stash of Playboys and he showed them to me. Like all addictions, it started small and snowballed out of control. It started with Playboy, but when that…

Blog Post

Why live with it?

What discomfort or debilitation are we living with today that we don’t need to? What unpleasant aspect of our life do we accept as normal when it isn’t? It’s so easy to assume we already know everything we can do to help ourselves. However, there are usually methods we’ve never heard…

Blog Post

I Was Tired of Guilt and Shame: Jonathan’s Story

At age 13 I received my very first personal electronic device, an Amazon Kindle Fire. My parents made sure that the browser was blocked to protect me from pornography. I still had access to the app store which eventually became a tool for seeking out inappropriate images. I was not…

Blog Post

Running the Race With Endurance

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and redeemer” (Psalm 19:14). This passage has been the one I’ve been able to fall back on in recent months as I continue to wage war against my flesh.…

Blog Post

Don Jon’s Religion: Why the Church Often Fails to Help Porn Addicts

Recently I had the opportunity to see a pre-release of Don Jon, Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s writing and directorial debut about a young man whose porn use interferes with his relationships. While many Christians in particular would consider the movie to be highly inappropriate (see this post for full details), there were…

Blog Post

13 Powerful Stories of People Who Overcame Porn

Despite the fact that people across the world use porn on a daily basis, those who become addicted to it often feel alone in their compulsive porn use. At Covenant Eyes, we believe that one of the first steps to overcoming addiction is to recognize that you are not alone. And,…

Blog Post

Porn and Stress: How to Relieve Stress Without Relapsing

How do you handle stress? Is it possible that stress is causing you to relapse back into watching porn? This past summer, I went through one of the more stressful seasons of my life as my family relocated from one end of the United States to the other. In that…

Blog Post

Should Married Couples Fast From Sex During Porn-Detox?

A 90 day sexual fast. That’s right, almost three months of abstinence from sex. This is what many porn addiction counselors prescribe for addicts and their spouses during the initial months of recovery. Why is this? Is this really necessary? Dr. Mark Laaser was a nationally recognized author in the…