Search Results for: masturbation

Blog Post

8 Myths That Will Roadblock Your Path to Recovery

“I think you may have an addiction. You need to be in recovery.” As soon as I heard those words, I fired my therapist. Me – an addict? Me – in need of recovery? I was an educated man, an author, a university board chairman, an NBA chaplain. I was…

Blog Post

That First Click: Jennifer’s Story

Jennifer Green is a born and raised Kansas City girl. She and her husband, Matthew, live there raising their two children. Jennifer works in churches and communities mobilizing volunteers, planning events, and speaking at local events. I can’t remember a time when I hadn’t had pornographic images around me. From…

Blog Post

Do Rom Coms and TikToks Trigger Porn Use?

Try to name three recent movies that did not have a romance story in the plot. Could you do it? I couldn’t. The media feeds us the lie that we need a man to complete us. During seasons of isolation, watching rom coms do not help with our loneliness and…

Blog Post

Why do I feel shame from watching porn?

After helping people quit porn for more than 20 years, we know there’s a strong connection between porn and shame. Most research psychologists and sociologists recognize this connection. However, many still debate which comes first. Does feeling shame about porn cause people to consider it an addiction? Or does porn…

Blog Post

Marriage Advice: “Why is he attracted to porn instead of me?”

by Melissa Haas I just wrapped up a conversation with a woman who recently discovered her husband’s secret relationship with pornography. Tragically, it is a conversation I have multiple times a week with women of various ages and walks of life. The problem of pornography use and addiction is pervasive.…

Blog Post

Does Watching Porn Make You Dumber?

Does porn make you stupid? It might sound like a silly question. Or it might sound like an old wives’ tale that prudes would invent to keep kids from looking at porn—like the idea that masturbating too much can make you go blind. Raising this concern might even seem offensive…

Blog Post

My Daughter Has Been Looking at Porn: Advice to Christian Parents

If there ever was a time in our culture when porn was an exclusively male habit, that time is long gone. About half of young adult women today believe viewing pornography is acceptable behavior. About one third of young women today use porn from time to time, and one in five do…

Blog Post

Tactics to Get Pure and Stay Pure (Part 1)

I first started looking at porn when I was about 10 years old. I was immediately consumed with looking at, looking for, and accumulating my own private stash of porn. Along with this was the discovery of self-gratification and all forms of impure thinking. I was so consumed with lust…