Search Results for: masturbation

Blog Post

Porn Made Me Feel Like a Bad Parent: Barb’s Story

Five years ago, I learned my son was struggling with pornography. I was shocked and devastated. Feeling guilty and hopeless, I struggled to sleep and cried endlessly. I couldn’t understand how this had happened. He grew up in a Christian home with Christian principles. We talked openly about sex and…

Blog Post

Fighting the Dragon of Porn: Brandon’s Story

John Eldredge in his book Wild at Heart writes: “In the heart of every man is a desperate desire for a battle to fight, an adventure to live, and a beauty to rescue.”  I first read these words as a college student, thrusting my fist into the air, exclaiming, “Yes! Exactly!” Continuing…

Blog Post

My Kid Was Stuck Watching Porn on a Plane

Shocked. Horrified. Disgusted. Sickened. That’s only a handful of the emotions that overtook me when I found out that my 14-year-old son was a captive audience to a two-and-a-half-hour public display of hardcore heterosexual and homosexual obscenity—and no one said a word. I dare not even repeat here the vile…

Blog Post

Longing For Acceptance: Cole’s Story

My exposure to pornography began when I was very young. At 13, I remember sitting in the cafeteria and hearing about these images and videos. I was a pastor’s kid, raised to value the truth given by the Word of God. I knew what I was doing was wrong, but…

Blog Post

What is lust in the Bible?

You probably don’t hear the word “lust” very often outside of church these days. If, like me, you grew up in the heyday of evangelical Purity Culture, you probably heard it a lot! But even then, the concept often brought as much confusion as clarity. See related: The Unfortunate Intersection…

Blog Post

3 Ways Your Porn Use Degrades Your Wife

When you value porn more than your wife, it destroys your marriage! She wants you to stop viewing it, yet you continue. She believes you don’t value her enough to quit. Sometimes she asks herself, “What did I do wrong, and why am I not good enough to satisfy him?”…

Blog Post

Should I be upset that my husband watches porn?

“Should I be upset that my husband watches porn?” Whether asked explicitly or just inferred, we get this question a lot. And our answer is always, an emphatic, “Yes!” “Should I be upset that my husband watches porn?” The fact that we get this question at all illustrates a point. Pornography…

Blog Post

6 Things to Consider Before Becoming Your Spouse’s Ally

“Ally” comes from the Latin word alligare, meaning “to bind to.” We may be familiar with the term in the context of nations that are allies. They make a commitment to act together and protect each other. The Bible paints a similar picture in marriage when it speaks of a…

Blog Post

Sex Isn’t the Solution to Your Husband’s Porn Problem

In the first few moments after I found my husband Craig’s digital footprints that led me to his favorite porn sites, all I could see, feel, and speak revolved around rage. I was embarrassed (because clearly, I was not satisfying), angry (did we not just speak wedding vows to forsake…