Search Results for: masturbation

Blog Post

The Catholic Church and Porn: 4 Quick Insights From The Bishops’ Letter

In November 2015 the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) approved a formal statement titled, Create in Me a Clean Heart: A Pastoral Response to Pornography. This is a major statement on behalf of Catholic leaders in the United States about how widespread the problem of pornography has spread and…

Blog Post

How Did I Get Here: 3 Building Blocks of Compulsive Porn Use

Starting the journey away from pornography is like finding a position on a map. And to find out where you’re going on the map, you need to understand where you’ve come from. To move ahead, we need to look back. So often, we just want to move forward. We tell…

Blog Post

How a Little “Harmless” Entertainment Can Affect Your Husband

Numerous Christian men I’ve counseled have shared how their Christian wives read romance novels and watch movies and shows that contain nudity in front of them, even asking them to watch with them. Ironically, these men are trying their hardest to remain sexually pure for their wives, while their wives…

Blog Post

Women Addicted to Porn: What You Need to Know to Break Free

“I see many guys here and just wanted to let the women reading this know that girls can get addicted too. I’ve been addicted to porn since before I truly knew what it was…. Here I am 10 years later and still addicted but now I’m trying to stop.” –…

Blog Post

How Pornography Drives the Demand for Sex Slavery

The following is an excerpt from the book, Stop the Demand: The Role of Porn in Sex Trafficking. According to Shared Hope International’s report on the demand for sex trafficking, pornography on the Internet is a gateway to the purchase of humans for commercial sex. This becomes clear when we…

Blog Post

Crystal Renaud Day: Helping Women Who Watch Porn

Crystal’s Story Crystal began by sharing her story of early exposure to pornography. Like so many other children, the porn that Crystal saw at a young age grabbed ahold of her and quickly became an addiction: “I was ten years old when I was exposed to pornography for the first…

Blog Post

What Happens When You Stop Watching Porn?

So, you stop watching porn—what happens next? We find both good news and bad news, I’ll start with the bad. Stopping porn, especially if it’s a longtime habit, can be tough. If it were easy, you wouldn’t bother to read this. Some uncomfortable things happen when you make the effort…

Blog Post

How does Lent call us to “behave” as Christians?

Remember when you would misbehave as a kid? Maybe you were jumping on your parents’ bed. Maybe you took all of the marshmallows out of the brand new box of SuperSugarBlast cereal. Perhaps you were too loud, too lazy, or too mean to your siblings on the drive to your…

Blog Post

Covenant Eyes Was Made for Women: You Can Be a Hero Too!

If there’s one thing we know for certain, it’s this: porn doesn’t discriminate between men and women. Sure, a large percentage of porn users are men, but it’s becoming more common for women to step forward with a need for accountability and recovery. Our ongoing mantra for women is “you…