Search Results for: masturbation

Blog Post

Don’t Just Quit Porn, Quit Lust

by Peter Daniel James Jesus set the bar impossibly high. That is, it is impossible without His Spirit living in you. We all know that He said even looking at a woman with lust is committing adultery (Matthew 5:38). We also know that adulterers cannot inherit the kingdom of God…

Blog Post

10 Tips for Staying Porn-Free While Traveling

From the bathroom of our suite, I heard my wife scream out. She had flipped on the TV and just channeled down. The large flat-screen pulsated with hardcore pornography. Graphic sex was one click away at the resort we were staying at. We had been in our room for less…

Blog Post

Costly Grace and Living Free From Lust

“Cheap grace is grace without discipleship, grace without the cross, grace without Jesus Christ… Costly grace is the treasure hidden in the field; for the sake of it a man will gladly go and sell all that he has… It is the kingly rule of Christ, for whose sake a…

Blog Post

Porn and Your Boyfriend: Advice for Christian Women

Dear Kay, My boyfriend has been using porn since adolescence. During college he began to seek help by attending Sex Addicts Anonymous meetings and being very involved with accountability and mentoring through that organization. We are both Christians in our mid-20s, and he has read many other books over the…

Blog Post

Godly UNmarried Sexuality (Part 1) – What Porn Doesn’t Provide

Many unmarried people struggle with abstinence and wrestle with God-given desires for intimate relationships and sexual expression. In the wrestling, some are drawn to the temporary pleasures of pornography. The world of porn-viewing offers an illusion of intimate connection and it does stir and lead to satisfaction of sexual urges,…

Blog Post

How to Explain Lust to Your Children

How do we teach our children to avoid pornography and damaging sexual situations, while teaching that sex is good and was created by God? I have found it helps to remember that children’s first encounter with sexuality on a personal level is through feelings, not physical acts. God designed us…

Blog Post

How to Be the Best Ally Ever

Being an ally, or accountability partner, in someone’s journey to overcome porn is a privilege and a responsibility. Most people are honored when asked to be an ally. It shows that the addicted person trusts them and wants them to be part of their recovery process. However, some people are…

Blog Post

3 Ways to Help Young People Stop Coping With Porn

I grew up in a family that was disconnected emotionally and relationally. At an early age, I learned to hide what I was thinking and feeling from others. I felt that the challenges of each day were up to me to deal with on my own. I began to experience…

Blog Post

5 Reasons Purity Rings and Pledges Don’t Work

It might have been the most traumatizing day of my dramatic 13-year-old existence. My mom took me to the mall, and, only after walking into the department store, announced that she planned on buying me a purity ring. To me, she might as well have hijacked the PA system and…

Blog Post

Why Thanksgiving and Porn Do Not Mix

“Porn is only consumed by thankless people.” Dr. Heath Lambert isn’t coddling readers in his book Finally Free: Fighting for Purity with the Power of Grace. While the quote from his book might sound like a tough rebuke, this counselor and professor at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary firmly roots his…