Search Results for: masturbation

Blog Post

Dr. Lina Abujamra’s Thoughts on Sex and Shame

Lina Abujamra is a pediatric E.R. doctor. She’s now the founder of Living with Power Ministries. She’s a popular Bible teacher, podcaster, and conference speaker. She’s also the author of several books. She provides medical care and humanitarian relief to Syrian refugees and in other areas that are hurting. Her…

Blog Post

Good Kids Get Hooked on Porn Too: Pastor Noah’s Story (Part 1)

I’m 37. This is relevant because you can tell a lot about someone’s sexual purity story by how old they were in the mid-’90s, also known as when the internet became as common in households as the telephone or television. For me, this was 7th grade. I’m a bit biased…

Blog Post

10 Seconds: A Film About Sex Slavery from Trafficking to Addiction

A man sits nervously in his car outside a house in a quiet suburban neighborhood. Inside that house, he knows, is an underground prostitution operation: women waiting for him if he would only knock on the door. If his wife, friends, and fellow church members knew where he was at…

Blog Post

Porn in the Pulpit: Facing It Head On

This post has been updated as of October 2020. In my last article, we addressed the subject, “Porn in the Pew.” While we know that 64% of self-identified Christian men and 15% of self-identified Christian women view pornography at least once a month (Barna Group), porn has also spread from the…

Blog Post

What Christmas Means for Porn Users

Is there anything more antithetical to Christmas than porn? Porn and Christmas don’t mix. But for many, the holidays are a season of relapse and bondage. If someone you love is struggling with porn this holiday, the joy of Christmas may feel like it doesn’t apply to them. Many find…

Blog Post

Struggling through Lent? You can finish strong.

New Year’s is the one time of the year that both Christians and non-Christians alike make resolutions to change their way of life, whether it’s losing weight, cleaning out their closets or planning a dream trip. When it comes to the Christian life, specifically for Catholics, the Church highlights three…

Blog Post

You Are Still Loved: Raymond’s Story

Raymond didn’t grow up in a Christian household. He first saw porn at only nine years old, through a smartphone. His dad was fighting lung cancer, and Raymond remembers it as a stressful time. He thinks that is a big reason why he turned to porn. When his father passed…

Blog Post

How to Experience Healthy Sexuality in a Broken World

Most of us think about sexuality as a very private compartment of our lives. Even in the innocence of childhood, we were subtly taught to treat everything sexual differently. We learned special names for our “private parts.” We were told not to touch or talk about those parts of our…