Search Results for: masturbation

Blog Post

Pope John Paul II on Pornography

The following is a guest post by Mark Houck, a regular author at The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) says, “Sexuality affects all aspects of the human person” (n. 2332). If our sexuality truly affects all aspects of our person, then it is easy to conclude that the…

Blog Post

5 Reasons Purity Rings and Pledges Don’t Work

It might have been the most traumatizing day of my dramatic 13-year-old existence. My mom took me to the mall, and, only after walking into the department store, announced that she planned on buying me a purity ring. To me, she might as well have hijacked the PA system and…

Blog Post

What a Few Mouse Clicks Won’t Get You

Several years ago I went to a conference by Bethesda Workshops for women who struggle with sexual addiction issues. A sweet lady there in her mid-50s shared at the start of the conference that she had been acting out sexually in various ways almost daily since she was about three years old.…

Blog Post

Avoiding Porn (Part 2)

Avoid Pornography—It Is a Dangerous Snare There is a common saying which suggests that “a little peek won’t hurt.” If you believe that, there are many movies, porn producers, and women who will give you a whole lot to peek at. Here again, the Bible is not silent. The Word…

Blog Post

5 Popular Reasons Why Guys Like to Watch Porn

Many people, especially women, wonder why so many men like pornography. They have difficulty understanding how certain photographs and videos can have such a hold on men’s attention. Men’s attraction to pornography is due to a complex combination of biological, psychological and sociological processes, but they can be condensed into…

Blog Post

What You See Is What You Get: Acting Out Porn in the Bedroom

While scrolling my Facebook newsfeed, I came across a status update from a woman that read “I like porn!” Curious to read the comments to this bold statement, I quickly clicked the post and to my surprise, there were absolutely no comments. No “me too,” no “TMI,” not even a…

Blog Post

Taking Every Thought Captive – Book Review

The second book in Dr. Mark Laaser’s Men of Valor series, Taking Every Thought Captive, hovers around a big challenge for guys: developing a godly thought life. The author definitely deals with curbing immoral sexual thoughts in the book, but he’s quick to point out that our minds can be overrun…

Blog Post

One Wife Speaks: My Husband’s 40-Year Addiction to Porn

I recently read this testimony from a woman on the blog, A Good Husband. It is a candid testimony of a woman whose husband has been going through a 40-year addiction to pornography. It was a sobering testimony to read. Many thanks to the anonymous woman behind these words: –…

Blog Post

How Loneliness Fuels the Cycle of Porn Use (Part 3)

In the previous two posts of this series, we discussed the epidemic of loneliness, and how social isolation affects millions in America. We looked at the mounting body of research demonstrating how our isolation can have serious emotional and physical consequences and, in some extreme cases, can even be deadly.…