Search Results for: masturbation

Blog Post

"What Makes a Great Small Group Leader?" – Chapter Review

The following is a review of Chapter 4 of Why Small Groups? by C.J. Mahaney. This free e-book is available on the Sovereign Grace Ministries online store and is a helpful guide for accountability groups. . . . . There are many different kinds of Christian books. There are some…

Blog Post

Porn Use as Grounds for Divorce: How My Opinion Changed

“I am hurting so much over this…If I believed in divorce I would already have done it, and I am beginning to maybe believe divorce is ok. After all, this seems like a type of adultery to me. Am I wrong?” – Mary Ann After writing more than 1,200 articles for…

Blog Post

Sexual Purity is Not the Goal

I recently came across an alarming statistic reporting that 90% of boys and 60% of girls confess to viewing pornographic material before the age of 18. Considering the likelihood that a decent percentage of the teens interviewed for this study lied about their porn use, it’s safe to say that…

Blog Post

The Kitchen Sink Strategy

When it comes to defeating a porn addiction, no silver bullet works for everyone. I have both personally defeated an addiction to pornography and witnessed many friends do the same. I’ve discovered there are commonalities in every man’s battle, but each man has a different path to victory. A deep…

Blog Post

Who Buys Sex? Linking Porn and Human Trafficking

I have seen the face of human trafficking. While filming Nefarious: Merchant of Souls–a documentary on the global sex trade–I traveled to a small village on the outskirts of Phnom Penh, Cambodia. I had heard that the village was a hotspot for child sex tourism, but I wasn’t sure what…

Blog Post

Sexperiment: 7 Days to Lasting Intimacy With Your Spouse (Book Review)

Quick Summary: Sexperiment encourages married couples to have sex seven days in a row. The challenge is a gateway to couples rediscovering intimacy, serving one another and the importance of making time for each other. The book is easy to read, engaging, and exciting. The book doesn’t fail to address…

Blog Post

Falling into Temptation vs. Running into Temptation

With pornography so easily accessible, and each of us with the option to walk this dark path, what’s to stop us from giving in the times we feel aroused or want to take our minds off of the current stress and difficulties we are facing in our lives? The plethora…

Blog Post

Should Wives of Porn Users “Just Get Over It”?

This comment is a whopper. Earlier this week a man was reading through the comments from wives on one of our popular posts and left his own criticisms. I’ve posted his thoughts below and my own response to him. Let me say this, there is a huge difference between a…

Blog Post

4 Myths About Porn Use

“All men look at porn, so it’s no big deal.” “Sex is so much better if you look at porn.” “There’s no difference between porn and any other movie. It’s all just entertainment.” Maybe you’ve heard some of these statements. If you’re a wife, maybe you’ve even heard them from…