Search Results for: masturbation

Blog Post

The One Way to Parent Well in the Digital Age

 “When correcting a child, the goal is to apply light, not heat.” –Woodrow Wilson Do any of you remember feeling “heat” from your parents? That one childhood incident that initiated the full fury of mom and dad? Everyone has a few stories. Woodrow Wilson himself had three daughters within three…

Blog Post

Sex Week: 7 Weird Facts about an Odd College Trend

A strange trend is hitting college campuses called Sex Week. On one occasion I was invited to speak at the University of Maryland for their annual “Sex Week,” and it was an event I’m not likely to forget. Here are seven facts you should know about this college craze: 1.…

Blog Post

Real Marriage: The Truth About Sex, Friendship, and Life Together (Book Review)

The title and subtitle are a perfect description of this book.  This book gives us: A tour of the authors’ “real marriage” Truth from God’s Word Frank discussions about sex The importance of friendship in marriage A picture of what a strong, Christ-centered marriage looks like: life together Download our…

Blog Post

6 Common Questions Asked By Wives of Porn Addicts

The following is an excerpt from our free e-book, Porn and Your Husband: A Recovery Guide for Wives. Why does he look at porn? There are a few things you need to understand about your husband’s heart and his use of porn. The first is simply that men are visually…

Blog Post

5 Simple (But Essential) Reasons to Stop Watching Porn Today

“I didn’t think it would end like this. I didn’t think it would go so far.” He sat there broken and exposed, and whispered the words through tears and gritted teeth. I had worked with people suffering from pornography addiction very closely for the past three years, but I hadn’t…

Blog Post

8 Encouragements For Those Doing Better with Sexual Purity

Some of you are doing better in your purity journeys. This article is for you.  To those who have experienced some victory in sexual purity: There are plenty of times where we fail, fall, and falter in sexual addiction recovery. We take enough steps backward, and too many times we…

Blog Post

Girls Like Porn Too: A Timely Message for Parents

Do girls like porn? It was just another normal day, doing homework after school. While doing research, 13-year-old Jessica Harris was intrigued by a particular video she found online. The thumbnail image was dark and blurry, but it grabbed her attention. After pressing the play button, Jessica found herself watching…

Blog Post

7 Facts About Porn and the Male Brain

1. Porn causes men to feel like they “need” sex. The journal Human Brain Mapping published a study demonstrating that while many men and women have similar regions of the brain activated during the viewing of porn, only in men is there a significant activation of the thalamus and hypothalamus.…

Blog Post

Book Review – When Good Men Are Tempted

When Good Men Are Tempted is more than a how-to crash course in overcoming lust: it is a theology of the sin of lust and our freedom in Christ. Author Bill Perkins does more than just offer men practical tips in cutting back temptation (although the book is intensely practical).…

Blog Post

My Child Just Saw Porn: A Conversation Guide for Parents

He was only 8 years old when he first saw pornography. Sadly, it took months for his parents to discover his growing curiosity. He had heard the Bible story dozens of times about how Adam and Eve were naked in the Garden of Eden, but for some reason, this time…