Search Results for: masturbation

Blog Post

Break Porn Addiction: 5 Lessons I Learned Along the Way

by James Tarring Cordrey Years ago my wife surprised me with a direct question about my use of pornography. What followed that question is known in our marriage as “The Confession.” The brutal truth of my long addiction came to light and a long, painful journey of healing began. As…

Blog Post

What Women Need For Overcoming Sexual Temptation

“Don’t tell anyone about this. It just really embarrasses people and they are uncomfortable with this topic. Also, when we talk about it instead of saying masturbation just use the phrase ‘acted out.’ Masturbation just sounds so icky”. This is what I was told when I opened up about my…

Blog Post

A New Women’s Lib

From Roe vs. Wade to lesbianism to birth control, women’s liberation movements have made it their platform to give women a right over their bodies. Some good and some bad have come out of similar movements in years past. But fast-forward to today and we see women are once again…

Blog Post

Is your accountability group doomed to fail?

For many years I met every Tuesday morning for breakfast with other men in a diner where we had a men’s accountability group. It was a failure. We had lots of breakfasts, and little to no accountability. I still maintain a friendship, a quite close one at that, with one…

Blog Post

5 Lessons Purity Teaches Us

If you had asked me to define purity when I was still a teenager, I would have told you it was simply this: “Don’t have sex before you’re married.” As the years went on, that definition expanded—don’t kiss a guy, don’t date a man you will not marry, group dating…

Blog Post

Myth: To Be Anti-Porn Is to Be Anti-Sex

It is not uncommon today to hear people say they are for pornography, not necessarily because they consume it or like it themselves, but because it’s a free expression of sexuality. In some way, to discourage it or speak against it is to be anti-sex. Several decades ago the term…

Blog Post

Help! I’m 13 and addicted to porn!

Are you 13-18 and can’t stop looking at porn? Maybe you feel like you’re addicted, and you’re wondering if that’s even possible! It can be scary, but don’t worry. You’re not alone. These are some comments we’ve received from teenagers just like you: “I am 13 years old and have…

Blog Post

What the Saints Can Teach Us About Struggles With Porn

You and I are truly in good company as we celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints (November 1), the multitude of sinners-made-saints who go both recognized and unrecognized in the liturgical calendar. This is true even if you struggle with pornography. If you dig a little deeper, you’ll recognize the true…