Search Results for: masturbation

Blog Post

An Open Letter to a Female Sex Addict

Dear Precious One, I have been where you are. I am no stranger to the shame that you feel. Although they are now in my rear view mirror, the horrible self-hate, the embarrassment, the sexual desires that I feared I could not control, the depression, the regret, and so many…

Blog Post

Why do teens sext?

Twenty percent of teens have sent or posted nude or semi-nude pictures or videos of themselves, either over the Internet or through cell phones. The question many adults are asking is what motivates this kind of behavior. A couple weeks ago danah boyd spoke at Columbia University for The ReadWriteWeb…

Blog Post

Christian Women Need to Talk About Sexuality

I was shocked when they announced the title of the next book study that we would be doing. I was sitting in a room in my church next to Zack, surrounded by other small group leaders. “This is a conversation that we need to have more often in church,” my…

Blog Post

David’s Story of Child Porn Addiction: Facing 8 Years in Prison

The following is a guest post by David Chatham. He is in court today awaiting sentencing for possession of child pornography. . . . . Many people talk about the proverbial “knock on the door” as their wake-up call and introduction to recovery from pornography addiction. For me, the knock…

Blog Post

“My Boyfriend Loves Porn”: the Story of a Shattered Relationship

(Warning: this article contains some graphic language) You wear a seat belt for protection. But you don’t get addicted to riding in your car without it. You “get accountable” for protection…but in this case, without accountability, pornography addiction could be lurking at your door. Why do people, especially men, become addicted…

Blog Post

Am I a Sex Addict? Self-Assessment And Help Guide

Have you ever secretly wondered, “Am I a sex addict?” or “Am I addicted to sex?” (because you might not be comfortable labeling yourself as an “addict”). If so, we will explain the signs, stages, symptoms, and some possible solutions to sex addiction. All addicts are liars by nature, which…

Blog Post

My Porn Addiction Started With a Book and a Babysitting Job (Part 1)

Lacy is a wife, mother of four sons, author, women’s recovery coach, and advocate for female recovery efforts. She advocates for research, new treatment and recovery methods for women, and education of parents. She won’t stop talking and writing until every woman who struggles knows that she’s not the only…

Blog Post

How Many Women are Hooked on Porn? 10 Stats that May Shock You

Can a woman become addicted to porn? Marnie Ferree, founder of Bethesda Workshops and a specialist in the area of women with sexual addiction, talks about this growing and pressing issue. Here’s what the most recent surveys tell us… 1. According to a study published in the Journal of Adolescent…

Blog Post

Does Porn Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

Back in 2013, GQ Magazine published an article called, “10 Reasons Why You Should Quit Watching Porn.” Yes, the same GQ that published its “100 Hottest Women of the 21st Century” feature in the same year they also told men why masturbating to lust-provoking images is not a good idea. The very…

Blog Post

Big Fat Lie: Porn Empowers Women

Some believe pornography can actually be empowering for women. For instance, Betty Dodson has been an outspoken feminist leader since the 1970s. While she doesn’t think porn offers the best in sexual education and she would prefer men generate their own mental fantasies, she sees nothing is wrong with masturbating to…