Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Social Pruning: How Teens Understand Online Privacy

On Mother’s Day, 15-year-old Nichole Cable walked to the end of her long, secluded driveway in order to obtain marijuana from a Facebook acquaintance named Bryan Butterfield. Instead, a masked man jumped from the bushes, duct-taped her, threw her in the back of a pickup truck, and drove off. By…

Blog Post

It’s Never Too Late to Quit Porn: Crystal’s Freedom Story

Go ahead and imagine yourself at the age of 10. Can you see yourself? Imagine for a moment that you are back in time as your 10-year-old self. What do you remember as your favorite thing to do? Playing outside? Having sleepovers with friends? For this 10-year-old, one of her…

Blog Post

10 New Stats About Porn That Should Scare You

Research on pornography comes out every year, and 2014 was no exception. Overall, the trends were predictable: more people are watching porn, and more porn is available now than ever before. Still, when you drill into the details, we found some disturbing trends. Get all the sources for our statistics…

Blog Post

When Pastors Look at Porn . . .

People are watching more porn now than ever before . . . even pastors and ministers. How are denominations and church organizations dealing with this issue? The Assemblies of God actually has a formal list of guidelines in place for helping ministers who have a “moral failure involving pornography.” I…

Blog Post

For Spouses: Dealing With Pornography and Internet Addiction

Stephen O. Watters’ articles about pornography addiction are available on the Focus on the Family website. This is good reading for anyone who struggles with habitual porn use, cybersex, or for spouses of those who do. Overview What if I only suspect a problem? Should I confront my spouse? How…

Blog Post

Porn Was My Sex Education: Joy Skarka’s Story

I first saw porn in fifth grade. I remember the day like it was yesterday. My friend and I just got back from basketball camp and went up to my room to play. I had a small Dell laptop sitting on my desk and my friend said, “Let me show…

Blog Post

Closing the Window: Steps to Living Porn-Free (Book Review)

“The good news is that we can say to ourselves, ‘I don’t need to use porn, because God is bigger and better'”(p.65). That is the perspective of Tim Chester in Closing the Window: Steps to Living Porn-Free. If you know this struggle only too well, Chester will either give you…

Blog Post

What You Need to Hear if Your Husband Betrayed You

As a counselor who specializes in sexual issues, I’ve heard from many wives with spouses who struggle with pornography. Their stories of courage fill my heart with gratitude for their resolve and strength. Their stories of pain and betrayal grip me and tear my heart in two. If you’ve experienced…

Blog Post

Quitting Porn Fast and Slow: Perspectives on Willpower 6

Have you ever felt like you have a split personality? You have the best intentions to get up early, work out, eat salad, and read good books. But when it comes right down to it, you end up sleeping in, lounging on the couch, eating pizza, and watching porn. It’s…

Blog Post

Book Review – I Surrender All: Rebuilding a Marriage Broken by Pornography

In his preface, Clay Crosse writes that he and his wife, Renee, pray that their book will be a message of warning and hope. Their prayers are answered. I Surrender All: Rebuilding a Marriage Broken by Pornography powerfully alerts “lukewarm Christians” about the imminent disaster that follows a dabbling in…