Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Enslaved to Porn: Why I Returned Again and Again to Pornography

I used to be enslaved to pornography. It was something I couldn’t go more than a few days without. I lived in a cycle of temptation, sin, shame, vows to quit, followed again by a quick slide into more sin—it was maddening. Yes, in my sober moments I could see…

Blog Post

Teens and Internet Pornography (Part 1)

The world has gone through rapid change in the last 20 years. One of the greatest technological advancements of last two decades has been the widespread usability of the Internet. The World Wide Web has radically changed the way we communicate, do business, organize finances, purchase merchandise and services, and…

Blog Post

Should Wives of Porn Users “Just Get Over It”?

This comment is a whopper. Earlier this week a man was reading through the comments from wives on one of our popular posts and left his own criticisms. I’ve posted his thoughts below and my own response to him. Let me say this, there is a huge difference between a…

Blog Post

Is Porn Use Causing Erectile Dysfunction in Teens?

There’s not a lot of attention spent on erectile dysfunction in teens, however an increasing amount of younger men and teens find themselves struggling with this problem. The majority of causes for erectile dysfunction are age-related, but for teens and young men, erectile dysfunction may be psychological and is often…

Blog Post

Porn and Your Three-in-One Brain

Brains are complicated. But some neuroscientists use “Triune Brain Theory” as a simple way of understanding the brain’s complexities. I call the three parts, the Gut Brain, the Heart Brain, and the Head Brain. The three parts of our brain show us that pornography poses a triple threat. It damages…

Blog Post

A Marriage Redeemed from Porn: Darren and April’s Story

Darren was in seminary, in training to be a minister, but his secret addiction to porn was growing. His wife April tried many things to help Darren to stop, but finally after 11 years of marriage, she left him. Last week, we talked to Darren and April about the day she…

Blog Post

Porn and Parenting Styles: What Pastors Need to Know

Not too long ago, I wrote a piece about the connections between purity culture’s teachings and pornography use. As I mentioned there, one of the biggest issues with purity culture is that it allowed parents to outsource conversations about sexuality to the church. But, research by people like Jay Stringer,…

Blog Post

Why Do I Stay Stuck in Pornography?

Why would a Christian have such a personal battle with something he or she believes is wrong? Let’s check out three hidden reasons it’s so hard to go more than a few steps on the recovery journey. All three are driven by pride. The first hidden reason is denial. Countless…

Blog Post

The S.E.C. Porn Scandal

The mission of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is to maintain a fair, orderly, and efficient market economy in the U.S. . . . that is, of course, when some of their senior employees aren’t busy looking at porn. An internal investigation of the SEC found 31 serious offenders…

Blog Post

Why Prayer Should Not Be a Last Resort in Marriage

We’ve been married long enough that I can see the signs. I can immediately sense when my husband isn’t fully present–when he’s hiding. I know when he’s stressed, sometimes before he even recognizes it. I can tell when he’s empty and depleted, grasping at things that I know won’t fill…