Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

What the Devil Meant for Evil, God Turned to Good

In this short testimony, I will offer my testimony of failure, forgiveness, freedom, and a new family that began in a nearly decade-long addiction to pornography. God’s grace and sovereignty are written all over my life, and what the devil once meant for evil, the Lord has now turned into…

Blog Post

Why I Believe I Was a “Sex Addict”

My name is Dann Aungst and I am a recovering sex addict. Yes, I use the word “addict” rather than compulsion or even habit. I believe as an addict, a person is out of control. Someone or some outside force is required to get a person to realize that they…

Blog Post

My Child Has Been Exposed to Porn: 5 Critical Truths You Need to Know

Have you had the horrifying experience of discovering your child is looking at pornography? Are you terrified your kids will be exposed to porn? All too often I receive calls and emails from parents who just found out their child has been looking at pornography. The parents feel shocked, scared, angry,…

Blog Post

5 Ways Pornography Affects Teens’ Brains

In this modern world where everything is accessible, a teenager can easily watch anything he or she wants, including pornography. Pornography does many things to teenagers, changing their perspective and way of thinking, especially when they become addicted to it. Here are the ways pornography affects teenagers’ brains. 1. The Hormone…

Blog Post

Porn Blockers, OpenDNS, and Accountability

Are porn blockers a good solution for men who are struggling with the temptation to look at pornography? There are lots of products out there like Cybersitter, Net-Nanny, and OpenDNS. Will they help you stay away from porn? As some people know, I’m not a fan of porn blockers (alone)…

Blog Post

What’s significant about 40 days?

Everything that’s worth having requires immense effort. I’ve found this to be abundantly true in two specific areas of my life right now–marriage and parenthood. If I want to have a healthy marriage, it requires a lot of work. Intentionality. Care. Attention. Love. Forgiveness. [Fill in the blank–I’m sure you…

Blog Post

For Allies: How to Respond When Your Friend Looks at Porn

Brian hopped on his laptop to see if any grad schools had gotten back to him yet. He knew he had just sent out his transcripts an hour before, and he knew that clicking the refresh button on his browser had no scientific ability to generate new emails that had…