Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Running the Race With Endurance

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and redeemer” (Psalm 19:14). This passage has been the one I’ve been able to fall back on in recent months as I continue to wage war against my flesh.…

Blog Post

5 Simple (But Essential) Reasons to Stop Watching Porn Today

“I didn’t think it would end like this. I didn’t think it would go so far.” He sat there broken and exposed, and whispered the words through tears and gritted teeth. I had worked with people suffering from pornography addiction very closely for the past three years, but I hadn’t…

Blog Post

7 Questions Pastors Need to Answer about Porn

To the pastors and ministry leaders reading this blog post, a percentage of your staff and people are regularly looking at pornography. And, all of your people are stuck in a world that has a lot of loud opinions about pornography and distorted messages about sex. How are you addressing…

Blog Post

13 Ways to Ruin Your Life with Lust

If you are looking for a good book to give away for FREE to those who struggle with the sins of lust and pornography, you’ll want to pick up Jarrod Jones’ 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life. You can download it from his website. Using Proverbs 7 as the backbone…

Blog Post

How Much Do People View Porn?

Measuring how many people use porn is difficult to determine because there haven’t been many widespread studies done on it. Plus, there are challenges in doing this kind of research. Some would have a broader definition of porn than others. Some would be tempted to lie and not share what…

Blog Post

Porn Myth #2: Porn Is Glamorous

Some women get into the porn industry because they feel it is a step into fame, and for a select few, they make it big and portray an image of glamour. Is this representative of what the industry is like? Dr. Sharron Mitchell, co-founder of the Adult Industry Medical Healthcare…

Blog Post

3 Steps to Start Rebuilding Trust and Respect in Your Marriage

Marriages Need Trust and Respect Trust and respect are the concrete and re-bar of a strong marital foundation. If one or the other is missing, the marriage structure is weakened and subject to damage. When you and I chose the road to lust land, the erosion of your marriage foundation…

Blog Post

Protecting Our Freedom: Why Leaving It at the Altar Isn’t Enough

I recently received an e-mail from a client stating she had some very good news for me–she had been set free by the power of Jesus after years of addiction to porn and masturbation. Someone ministered at her church on her exact struggle. She went to the altar, left it there, and has now been…