Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Striving, Falling, and Getting Back Up: Persevering Against Porn

I have been struggling with a masturbation addiction since I was about 12 years old. I am 29 now. Even when I am not watching (or listening also in my case) any form of pornography, the tendency to return to compulsive masturbation is there. In the past, I couldn’t make…

Blog Post

How Great Connection Leads to Great Conversations With Your Kids

Great connection is the bridge to great conversation. I realize that you are already great parents, desperately wanting to impart the right ingredients into your children. But let’s be honest, it’s not always easy to just bring up difficult conversations. How can we breach these “talks” in a way that…

Blog Post

How to Restore Your Self-Worth After Competing with Pixels

It happened again just last week. In a support group I facilitate for wives of sex addicts, a new client said, with shock resonating, “I just don’t get it. You all are such beautiful, intelligent, amazing women!” As a betrayal trauma recovery coach, I know this experience like the back…

Blog Post

Back to the Basics: 5 Steps to Overcome Porn

Most people struggle to find effective methods for overcoming porn in their lives. These five steps have proven to be highly effective when implemented as designed. The greatest variable in this process is you. The process works if you work the process. The commitment you make to fully engage this process…

Blog Post

Be Aware: Porn Harms – How Does Pornography Affect Children?

Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 107 [powerpress] In this special series on Covenant Eyes Radio, we are addressing the harms caused by pornography. This week we are talking about the ways children are impacted by seeing pornography. How does porn shape their sexual beliefs and behaviors? Continuing from last week’s…

Blog Post

Breaking the Silence

Women addicted to porn speak out Do women struggle with porn? My friend, Crystal Renaud, talks here about her struggle for the Scratching the Surface documentary. (Please note, this video discusses mature content. Viewer discretion is advised.) One of the things Crystal says here is that porn filled a void…

Blog Post

When Your Son is Looking at Porn: 12 Resources for Christian Parents

When you discover your son has been looking at pornography, the discovery can be frightening—especially with the nature of the porn available today. As Christian parents, we know we don’t want our sons growing up absorbing worldly values about sex, least of all from porn. The only way to help…

Blog Post

Silence: The Sound of Female Sexual Shame

Updated as of July, 2020. Women now make up 30% of all pornography users. For too long, society has presumed pornography to be an exclusively “man’s issue.”[i] The continued cultural silence for female pornography use has driven many women further into the shadows. Silence intensifies shame and therefore deepens your…

Blog Post

Generation XXX: Pornography Habits of College Students

Episode 143 [powerpress] Recent surveys indicate 63% of Millennial men (18-30 years old) view porn at least several times a week; 21% of women the same age say the same about their porn use. With so much porn being consumed so readily, pornography has become the norm. How do college students…

Blog Post

7 Principles of Freedom from Porn

Five years ago, I was in jeopardy of losing my marriage. Despite the countless promises I had made to my wife about change, I found that was unable to avoid relapsing into pornography. Though I could not acknowledge it at the time, this addiction had a control over me that…