Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Blame it on the Brain? – The Science of Porn

In today’s world we’ve got pornography down to a science . . . literally. Never before has there been so much research available about pornography’s affect on society. On this blog we look at a number of ways that pornography affects the teens that are watching it and the women…

Blog Post

Porn Made Me a Hollow Shell

I grew up in a middle-class home that, on the surface, appeared ordinary. I went to school, played sports, and earned good grades. But, behind closed doors, I was struggling. I was managing my father’s aggression and protecting my mom. Unknowingly, I began searching for ways to cope—to feel pleasure.…

Blog Post

How to Experience Healthy Sexuality in a Broken World

Most of us think about sexuality as a very private compartment of our lives. Even in the innocence of childhood, we were subtly taught to treat everything sexual differently. We learned special names for our “private parts.” We were told not to touch or talk about those parts of our…

Blog Post

My Child Just Saw Porn: A Conversation Guide for Parents

He was only 8 years old when he first saw pornography. Sadly, it took months for his parents to discover his growing curiosity. He had heard the Bible story dozens of times about how Adam and Eve were naked in the Garden of Eden, but for some reason, this time…

Blog Post

3 Intentional Ways to Restore Emotional Safety After Betrayal

Everyone needs a home base where he or she feels safe from the outside world. Ideally, our home with our family should be such a place. Unfortunately, when compulsive sexual behavior is present in the home, it ceases to feel like a safe place. The wounded spouse no longer feels…

Blog Post

Pornography Leads to Impotence

I highly recommend taking a look at Judith Reisman’s September article, “The Impotence Pandemic.” It has long been touted by relationship therapists that a little pornography can spice up our sex lives. It is believed that male impotence is caused by a mere lack of visual stimulation: add a little…

Blog Post

Sex Addiction Recovery: Avoiding Sexual Triggers

by Tim Davis The Internet is the number one stumbling block for almost all the people struggling with sexual sin. It’s not prostitutes, affairs, or adult bookstores—it’s the Internet. Few seem to understand the importance of an Internet filter. However, without it, you constantly open the door to temptation and…

Blog Post

Why Parents Fail to Protect Their Kids Online

A middle school choir concert isn’t the place you expect to talk about porn, but this mother was upset, and she didn’t know what to do. She was showing her child’s smartphone to an aunt and to her child’s grandparents and was disgusted to find a porn app being suggested…