Search Results for: porn addicts

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How to Take a U-Turn on the Porn Superhighway

  Your web browser does not support iframes, which means that the video Porn Activation Sequence cannot play.    One of the most helpful explanations I’ve heard about pornography addiction is Dr. Kevin Skinner’s “activation sequence.” In this video I explain what the sequence is and why it is important…

Blog Post

The Common Reality of Early Porn Exposure

The sad reality for nearly every adult who struggles with porn is that their compulsive porn use started in childhood. In the more than two decades I that have been working with hundreds of men and women trying to overcome pornography addiction, I have met only one who did not…

Blog Post

The Unfiltered Truth: Children Search for Pornography From an Early Age

The search for answers in the fight against childhood exposure to pornography has grown more challenging. A 2009 study shows that the number of kids seeking it online is growing higher, while their age is lowering. According to a new study, children as young as seven and under are searching…

Blog Post

Porn: A Four-Letter Word?

Of course porn is literally a four-letter word. But the expression “four-letter word” has been used in the last century to refer to words that are vulgar, obscene, and sexually explicit. For many years “porn” has been a four-letter word in certain Christian circles. It was simply too taboo to…

Blog Post

Mike’s Story: Saying “Yes” to God and Finding Freedom

For 20-plus years, I was what Steve Arterburn would call “marginally addicted” to porn (see his book, Every Man’s Battle). I was (and still am) active in church and church leadership. But, I would, from time to time, be really tempted and look at things I knew were wrong. Once…

Blog Post

Can you really be free from porn?

Each year, I find myself reflecting on a question I get asked often as a former sex addict and now sex addiction recovery mentor: “Can you really be free from porn?” It’s a valid question. After all, it seems that there are far more people these days who struggle with…

Blog Post

My Daughter Has Been Looking at Porn: Advice to Christian Parents

If there ever was a time in our culture when porn was an exclusively male habit, that time is long gone. About half of young adult women today believe viewing pornography is acceptable behavior. About one third of young women today use porn from time to time, and one in five do…