Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Single Women Battling Pornography: Win a Free Book Bundle

If there ever was a time when struggling with pornography was an exclusively male problem, those days are long gone. According to the most recent statistics… More than six in 10 women see pornography online before they turn 18 years old. Among young women today, nearly one in five spend…

Blog Post

Thoughts for Women Ensnared with Pornography

Welcome friend, hope it’s okay to call you friend? It’s fairly personal and we probably don’t know each other but I do want you to know my heart is tender towards you. And while I’m not entangled with pornography, I’m much more like you than different. Yeah, you and I…

Blog Post

10 Ways You Can Help Your Husband Leave Porn Behind

I often have wives ask me what they can do to help their husband recover from porn or sexual addiction. Every time I hear this question my heart sinks a little because I fear if she is asking this question her priorities might be off base. It isn’t that there…

Blog Post

Help! My “Christian” Husband Secretly Watches Porn

Recently we received this comment from one of our readers: Hi. This is hard for me, as I have never posted something like this before..but here goes. I have been married since Aug 2009, and my husband has been watching porn since. He actually told me before we got married…

Blog Post

Thoughts on Porn and Ted Bundy: Tune into Glenn Beck tonight

It has been 20 years since Dr. James Dobson interviewed serial killer Ted Bundy. Tonight on the Glenn Beck program, Dr. Dobson will be reflecting back on that interview. Ted Bundy confessed to the murders of 30 women, though the actual number is still disputed. His gruesome rape and murder…

Blog Post

How to Overcome Lust: 4 Tips for Teens

So, you’re a teenager and you’re battling lust. You know that lustful thoughts don’t honor God, and you also don’t like the out-of-control feeling of your sexual desires. It feels dirty—and scary. But it seems like other Christians don’t have the same struggles, and the world around you thinks you’re…

Blog Post

Pleasuring Ourselves to Death

How Porn Harms Us A month ago a standing-room-only crowd attended a briefing on Capitol Hill to listen to several researchers summarize their findings about how pornography harms men, women, children, and culture. Below is a portion of that briefing, featuring Mary Anne Layden, Ph.D. (Please note: this video contains…

Blog Post

Dr. Gregory Popcak: The Root Cause of Pornography Addiction

Attachment theory posits that the way we interact with our primary caregivers as children shapes how we form relationships later in life. Dr. Gregory Popcak has explored attachment theory and looked at its connection to pornography addiction. He argues that the root cause of unwanted porn use and addiction can…