Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

5 Things I’ve Learned While Pastoring Through a Pandemic

The other day, I heard my wife say from our bedroom, “What is six plus nine?” With great confidence, I yelled out from our office the correct answer (15, just in case you were wondering). A few short moments later, my wife was out of the bedroom and standing by…

Blog Post

Your Church Is Looking at Porn

The world is a blurry place. I feel like the lines between right and wrong, dark and light, good and bad, used to be more obvious. Words like “Christian,” “porn,” and “addiction” would not have been used in the same sentence just a few decades ago. But, in this post,…

Blog Post

The Connections Between Pornography and Sex Trafficking

This post has been updated as of October 2020. We often hear today about the horrors of sex trafficking, overseas and in the United States. We are appalled at those who would hold women and children as sex slaves, deny them their human rights, and make them mere objects for…

Blog Post

Christian Marriage Advice: Why is porn so bad for marriages?

There are many ethical arguments about why porn is bad, but these arguments often make no sense unless we first express why sex is so good. What about sex makes it good? What about porn exploits the goodness of sex? What is our sex drive for? The earliest biblical terms…

Blog Post

What Is Considered Porn?

Covenant Eyes exists to help people overcome pornography—but what do we mean by “pornography”? Judge Potter Stewart, in Jacobellis v. Ohio, famously wrote that while he couldn’t give an intelligible definition of pornography, “I know it when I see it.” Most people know what they mean when they use the…

Blog Post

Is the Fight Against Porn Only Religious?

Due to our sexualized culture, it’s easy to think that arguments for healthy intimacy and against pornography are only made by religious organizations. For instance, when talking about the sex addiction movement, psychologist Dr. David Ley says: “Most of the leaders of the sex addiction movement are themselves recovering supposed…

Blog Post

Talking Spiritual Crisis: From Down Under

In part one of the “From Down Under” series I discussed the trauma wives of sex addicts face. I followed this up in part two, sharing how their body image is damaged by discovery of their husband’s addiction. Today, I’d like to complete this series with a message I aim particularly…