Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

4 Reasons Parents Should Block the Internet at Certain Times of Day

For many parents, the amount of time a child spends online is not their primary concern about technology. Parents are often most concerned about the content their child consumes online—is the information false or reliable, harmful, or helpful? But making clear guidelines about the times of day your child is…

Blog Post

Introducing Our Newest Ebook: Protecting Minors and Their Families

As we continue to share our passion for fighting pornography within the Church, a specific area of need has come to our attention. Many Christian adults become addicted to pornography, but what about kids in the Church? How is the Church reaching minors and their families, both to fight addiction…

Blog Post

Chronic Masturbation: Understanding Compulsive Behavior

Chronic masturbation, sometimes called masturbation addiction, or compulsive masturbation, means you can’t stop, even if you want to. In this post, we’ll look at why that is, whether it’s normal, and what you can do about it. Is masturbation addictive? Even more than pornography, masturbation addiction is a highly debated…

Blog Post

A Partnership for Purity with Prestonwood Church

On the weekend of August 20 and 21, Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, Texas initiated its Partnership for Purity with Covenant Eyes. The mission of this multi-year partnership is to help Prestonwood’s families be proactive in the war against Internet pornography. A key component of the partnership is to encourage…

Blog Post

Porn and Artificial Intelligence

When Chat GPT launched in November 2022, artificial intelligence took the world by storm. And with good reason—the wide array of AI tools now available to the public offer truly breathtaking capabilities. At Covenant Eyes, we strive to stay on the cutting edge of technological developments, so we want to…

Blog Post

Does Striving for a Porn-Free Life Make You “Weird”? 

We live in a time when sensitivity toward others and understanding them are upheld as the highest virtues. Yet somehow this changes when it comes to sensitivity and understanding towards those trying to keep pornography out of their lives.   I’ve seen many people offended by the suggestion that pornography is…

Blog Post

Stories of Hope After Porn: Marriages That Made It Through

When a man is entrenched in porn, is there hope for his marriage? Can he change? Can he restore trust with his wife? Can she forgive him? Can their marriage flourish some day? These are the questions we get on a daily basis—mostly from women who feel hopelessly trapped in…

Blog Post

10 Ways to Build Intimacy Apart From Sex

Therapists often recommend a period of abstinence to couples dealing with issues of compulsive or addictive use of pornography, or with issues of other types of sexual acting out. This can provide time for the wounded spouse to begin processing the impact of betrayal without the pressure to be sexually…