Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Habits of Freedom: How to Quit Porn

The following is an edited excerpt from Chapter 6 of the free e-book The Porn Circuit: Understand Your Brain and Break Porn Habits in 90 Days. Download it now. Overcoming a pornography habit or addiction isn’t just about staying away from porn. Much more is needed. Neurologists show that to…

Blog Post

Avoiding Weekend Binges: A 5-Step Plan for Married Men

Unlike beer, porn does not need to put commercials up on television or other public media. They already have their audience trained and addicted and know their numbers will continue to climb along with the population of the earth. However, if one were to make a commercial for the vast…

Blog Post

Good Dating Advice: Stop Looking at Porn

As pointed out by, pornography permeates our society. Porn sets a standard that nobody can live up to. This negatively impacts relationships by convincing people they are owed certain sexual activities regardless of the willingness or welfare of their partner. It also sets up a scenario of disappointment when,…

Blog Post

Porn and Your Boyfriend: Advice for Christian Women

Dear Kay, My boyfriend has been using porn since adolescence. During college he began to seek help by attending Sex Addicts Anonymous meetings and being very involved with accountability and mentoring through that organization. We are both Christians in our mid-20s, and he has read many other books over the…

Blog Post

Why I Disagree with Pamela Anderson

There’s an intriguing phenomenon in Hollywood right now: celebrities speaking out against pornography. Actor and comedian Russell Brand posted a video to his Facebook page in early 2015, citing science research and personal experiences as reasons he believes porn alters ideas about sex and love. Next came Terry Crews who…

Blog Post

Start the Path to Victory With a Free Account

What were you doing in the year 2000? Maybe you weren’t even born. Many people fretted about the Y2K bug—a perceived computer coding problem that was supposed to wreak havoc on personal computers and online networks across the globe. Thankfully, that didn’t happen.    Google was nearly two years old.…

Blog Post

My Story: Imperfect but Growing

“Porn has been an issue for me for as long as I can remember. I didn’t always see it as a problem, but in I missed out on developing lasting friendships during my high school and college years, among other emotional issues. After a life-threatening accident in 2017, I awoke…