Search Results for: porn addicts

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Porn Nation: What Are College Students Saying (Part 2 of 2)

In Michael Leahy’s presentation, “Porn Nation: The Naked Truth,” he told students at the University of New Hampshire, “Porn is the 800-pound gorilla in the room that nobody’s talking about. I want everyone to see the truth of what’s going on.” Let’s continue our look at how some University students…

Blog Post

What’s wrong with a little porn?

I recently read a fairly common perspective among men. It appeared on a forum in a thread titled, “Should I divorce my sex-addict husband?” Okay, some of the cases [of sex addiction] are pretty bad and do constitute a divorce. If they’re cheating, doing something illegal, or wasting the family’s…

Blog Post

3 Important Characteristics of True Accountability

Do you want to know the biggest reason why men and women stay stuck in porn and sex addiction? Forgoing true accountability. That’s right, the biggest reason why you ride the purity roller coaster is you don’t embrace and engage in true accountability. In fact, many people haven’t a clue what…

Blog Post

Using Pornography Stats

Recently we updated our pornography statistics resource packet, but I was asked to give examples of how someone can practically use the data. It is so easy to use stats anecdotally or flippantly. Here are some of my suggestions: 1. Statistics are great discussion starters. Statistics are essentially numbers on…

Blog Post

From Hopeless Addict to Follower of Christ

The journey I have embarked on to quit porn has been long and arduous. In fact, I don’t think it’s over. Covenant Eyes has been a significant part in helping me overcome my addictions and grow closer to Christ. My journey isn’t over, but I’m glad to have Covenant Eyes…

Blog Post

Jesus on Recovery: 3 Keys to Overcome Addiction

Jesus is all about recovery. He stated his mission clearly: “The Father has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free” (Luke 4:18). For three years, Jesus “sponsored” 12 aimless men, whom he left behind to build something…

Blog Post

10 Shocking Stats About Teens and Pornography (2024)

What is pornography like for today’s teenagers? This is the first generation to grow up in a world where smartphones and high-speed internet have always existed. According to recent studies, 95% of teens now have access to a portable X-rated theater—i.e. a smartphone.1 The rise of smartphones has correlated closely…

Blog Post

If You Love Her, Tell Her the Truth

Consistently, wives of sex addicts share with me how the lies and secrets their husbands keep from them hurt more than the sexual acting out itself. I asked a few of these wives the question, “Why do the lying and secrets hurt so much more than the acting out?” Here…

Blog Post

3 Recovery Killers That Could Be Keeping You from Freedom

Is Recovery from Porn Possible? “The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy” (John 10:10a). It should be no surprise then that these three recovery killers we’ll talk about come straight from the father of lies–Satan himself. Jesus on the other hand came to give us life. He said it…