Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Healing from Porn Takes Time

Updated July 2021. Not too long ago my 3-year-old daughter asked me to pick her up and fly her around the house. No problem. Well, a few hours later, my back started to hurt. My back hurt like never before. It turns out I have a muscle spasm in my…

Blog Post

Porn Can’t Give No Satisfaction

The following is an edited excerpt from Chapter 5 of the free e-book The Porn Circuit: Understand Your Brain and Break Porn Habits in 90 Days. The pornified brain sounds a lot like Mick Jagger; it can’t get no satisfaction. On the surface it sounds absurd. Pornography offers endless opportunities…

Blog Post

The Deeper Longings Behind Your Porn Use

I was exposed to porn at the age of 12. When I first saw it, part of me was shocked and disgusted, and another part of me felt exhilarated and curious. I began seeking it out regularly and soon became addicted. I tried stopping through my own willpower, making promises…

Blog Post

Porn makes guys romantically stunted and socially awkward

How is porn hurting our chances for real, romantic intimacy? The following is a portion of a TED talk from well-noted psychologist Philip Zimbardo. In this short clip he unpacks some of the reasons why many men today fear intimacy with women, and why we are becoming more and more…

Blog Post

12 Lessons from My Accountability Partner

Recently, I interviewed my accountability partner of two years, Michael Stuart, for the Porn to Purity Podcast.  Mike had been my best friend since seventh grade. We were college roommates, pursued the ministry, and both planted churches around the same time. After my sexual sin was discovered, he was the…

Blog Post

Family Suggestions for a Porn-Free Spring and Summer

“Spring is when you feel like whistling, even with a shoe full of slush”. As a Midwesterner, this quote by Doug Larson has me smiling. So long as the snow is melting, the sun is warm upon my back, and the sound of birds can be heard in the trees,…

Blog Post

A Cure for Impotence: Stop Using Porn!

Ever notice all those “natural male enhancement” or “testosterone supplement” advertisements? They’re nearly everywhere, promising men “a better sex drive,” “improved vitality,” or to “…be the man you used to be.” Directly and indirectly, they promise better sex. Well, it got me thinking, why are so many more men suddenly…

Blog Post

The Right Way to Quit Porn

Is there a right or wrong way to quit porn? Actually, yes. You might have a sense of this if you’ve tried to stop before and failed. If that’s you, keep reading. What’s the worst way to try to quit porn? I’ve found a couple of contenders for the absolute…

Blog Post

Tony’s Story: Not Alone on the Victory Journey

I was a teenager in the infancy of the internet and fell into a trap that was seemingly harmless: porn. I “quit” porn dozens of times over the following decades. It was sometimes weeks, sometimes even a month before I inevitably failed again. I kept telling myself that the next…