Search Results for: porn addicts

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The Essential Reason Porn Is Wrong

Your web browser does not support iframes, which means that the video The Essential Reason Porn Is Wrong cannot play. Porn Is Wrong for Many Reasons There are many reasons why people say we should avoid pornography. Some, for instance, will point out that pornography is very addictive, that it warps…

Blog Post

Christian Sex Addiction: Christianity Today Tackles a Tough Subject

Many thanks to Christianity Today for their most recent thought provoking story, “Help for the Sexually Desperate,” which explores sexual addiction among Christian men. Sexual addiction is on the rise in the church today, but how is sexual addiction being handled in Christian circles? Isn’t “Sexual Addiction” Just Another Way to…

Blog Post

Trauma and Porn: The Potential Link

Have you ever wondered where addictions, like the compulsive use of pornography, come from? Why do some people get addicted to things that other people can do without ever getting addicted?  It’s a good question, and it’s one that doesn’t have a simple answer. The research on addictions is growing,…

Blog Post

Having Productive Conversations When Your Husband Watches Porn

The following is an excerpt from Porn and Your Husband: A Recovery Guide for Wives. Discovering that her husband watches porn can be devastating for a wife. Her emotions may fluctuate wildly from fear to disbelief, from numbness to anger. She may want to lash out in revenge – to…

Blog Post

When Porn Is on the Report: 8 Steps for Allies

Josh and Serena’s marriage had taken a major hit. After years of hiding his behavior online, Josh had developed a deeply engrained habit of looking at porn. Eight years into their marriage, Serena discovered the truth, but the problem only got worse. Restless, Josh began looking outside his marriage for…

Blog Post

5 Recovery Tips You Won’t Find in a Book

It is important to read all you can about recovery. We live in an age when thousands of books, articles, and speeches are available, which address recovery from every angle. It is impossible to read too much. Go to every conference, read every blog, listen to every podcast. I’m all…

Blog Post

Crystal Renaud Day: Helping Women Who Watch Porn

Crystal’s Story Crystal began by sharing her story of early exposure to pornography. Like so many other children, the porn that Crystal saw at a young age grabbed ahold of her and quickly became an addiction: “I was ten years old when I was exposed to pornography for the first…

Blog Post

Simple Steps to Defeat a Real-Life Monster

Are monsters real? When you think of a monster, what thoughts are conjured up in your mind? Is it an ugly beast with bad breath? Is it part human, part animal? Is it non-human and non-animal? Maybe it is its own species. Are they real or are they make-believe? Monsters…

Blog Post

FAQ: What should I tell my kids about my husband’s porn problem?

Josh had been losing a battle against pornography and adultery for years when he decided he wanted to end his marriage. He had met someone new and wanted to move out, leaving his wife, Serena, devastated and alone. But Serena wasn’t the only one who suffered. He also left his children without…

Blog Post

Guarding Kids in a Sexualized Culture

Janeen has an infectious smile. It shines on the soccer field or when she plays piano. But when this 12-year-old honor roll student’s grades began to slide, her mom began to dig for answers and discovered her daughter engrossed in Internet pornography. Therapist Richard Blankenship (who changed Janeen’s name for…