Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Repenting of Porn Addiction (Part 2)

In my last post I gave a description of “repentance.” In summary, when we look at 2 Corinthians 7:10-11, we can see the heartbeat of real repentance. Real repentance flows from a deeply felt grief that we’ve broken the heart of God, that we have offended Him. Real repentance produces:…

Blog Post

Are You Spiritually Crippled by Porn Addiction?

Watch this short video featuring John Piper’s thoughts on the crippling effects of sexual sin from a sermon he preached in 2007: Is this you? Are you walking away from a radical dream of building for God’s kingdom because you are pinned under guilt and shame from pornography and lust?…

Blog Post

Porn Addiction vs. Satisfaction in God

This is not a testimony of “I have arrived,” or even “I have overcome.” Praise God for the testimonies about how someone conquered a habitual sin. We need them. But that is not my story. I am no Apostle Paul who, with great grace and self-control, lived a celibate ministry…

Blog Post

4 Principles to Break Porn Addiction

by J. Chad Barrett Imagine with me a journey toward the beautiful freedom from addiction. Can you see it? Jesus Christ desires His people to lavish in His grace as we walk in His freedom. As with anything in life, this takes work on our part. We must PREPare. The…

Blog Post

The Best Porn Addiction Resources in 2024

When you tackle a problem as serious as porn addiction, you want to make sure you have the best resources available. Thankfully, it’s no longer difficult to find plenty of offline and online help. Still, it can be overwhelming trying to figure out where to start. Here’s a list of…

Blog Post

UNCENSORED – Campus Tour Addressing Porn Addiction and Temptation

UNCENSORED is put on by our friends at Freedom Begins Here. It is a multimedia presentation concerning the growing temptation of pornography in our culture today. It is designed for Christian college campuses but may be modified for a community event or a community youth event. I highly recommend you…

Blog Post

Should I blame Apple for my porn addiction?

A Nashville man, Chris Sevier, is blaming Apple for his porn addiction. Sevier “respectfully demands” that Apple sell its devices in “safe mode”—with software that filters out adult content. Adults would then be required to deliberately turn off the filter if they wanted to use the device to access porn.…

Blog Post

Webinar Today – Women and Porn Addiction: A Christian Response

Join us today at 2 p.m. (EST). Register now for this webinar. Space is limited. Pornography is not just a male sin. More and more women today are also being drawn into cyber-lust. 34% of today’s young adult women saw porn before the age of 13. 31% of young women today…