Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Keeping Porn Off the Priority List

When’s the last time you stepped back to evaluate your priorities? I’m not referring to the projects you are completing at school or at work. I’m not referring to the New Year’s Resolutions that have survived the first five months. I’m not talking about what you are working on. I’m…

Blog Post

My War With Pornography

My war with pornography started when I was in junior high. It snuck into my world through a school project. Once I got a taste of it, my curiosity ignited and I explored my discovery. Curiosity turned into pleasure, then addiction. I quickly found myself going further than I ever…

Blog Post

From Addiction to Accountability

I started watching porn when I was in high school, but this was before the age of the smartphone. So, while the seed had been planted, my exposure to porn was very limited. I did not start watching daily until I purchased my first smartphone in 2012, and that opened…

Blog Post

True Story: His Porn. Her Pain. Healed.

During this interview, we had the privilege of hearing from Jay and Lori Pyatt as they shared their story of Jay’s porn use, the pain Lori experienced as a result, and the amazing transformation that has now happened in their marriage and ministry. Watch their Facebook Live interview below or…

Blog Post

How to Tell If Your Husband Is Really in Recovery

When a women discovers she is married to a sex addict, all trust is lost. She feels she doesn’t even know the man who shares her bed. Her entire marriage may feel like a lie. If her husband is getting help for his addiction, and if she decides to stay…

Blog Post

Porn in the Church: The High Cost of Silence

Several years ago I performed the marriage ceremony for a young couple. Both had grown up in Christian homes and done well professionally. She had won the state’s “Best Teacher” award, and he was a successful salesman. They completed six weeks of premarital counseling with me and also met numerous…

Blog Post

Good Kids Get Hooked on Porn Too: Pastor Noah’s Story (Part 1)

I’m 37. This is relevant because you can tell a lot about someone’s sexual purity story by how old they were in the mid-’90s, also known as when the internet became as common in households as the telephone or television. For me, this was 7th grade. I’m a bit biased…

Blog Post

Freedom for Those Who Want It Today (Book Review)

The ask was so simple that the question seemed stupid. “Can you stay sober for one day?” Charlie asked John. What a nutty thing to ask. Yes, of course! John had conquered a day before. In fact, he’d been clean for a weekend, a week, even as long as a…

Blog Post

What to Do Your First 30 Days of Porn Recovery

Every porn or sex addict who has found years of recovery has the same thing in common–the first 30 days. Before you can be sober for 30 years, you have to get sober for 30 days. If you are serious about finding lasting sobriety and real recovery, I invite you…