Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

I Was a Dead Man Walking: Chris’s Story

“Grace is presently at work in our lives.” —Robert Millet It was Saturday, December 10, 2016. I woke up, lying on my side, in a cheap motel room on Fremont Street in Las Vegas. I could see the daylight squeezing in around the edges of the blackout drapes on the…

Blog Post

How the iPhone Changed Everything

A hundred years from now, students of Twenty-First Century history will learn that a major turning point in humanity’s cultural evolution came on January 9, 2007. That was the day the iPhone was introduced. You remember what life was like before the iPhone, don’t you? Back when people in the same room would…

Blog Post

Porn Nation: What Are the College Students Saying? (Part 1 of 2)

As well-attended as Michael Leahy’s “Porn Nation” campus presentations have been, not everyone agrees with Leahy’s message (argumentative college students, imagine that). I thought I would give some highlights for our readers about specific rebuttals Leahy has received (as well as toss in my own two cents as a former campus…

Blog Post

Ex-Porn Star Tells the Truth (Part 2)

[The following is a guest post by Shelley Lubben. Shelley, an ex-porn star, is the founder and president of The Pink Cross Foundation. Through the Pink Cross, Shelley is a missionary to the sex industry, reaching out to  adult industry workers offering emotional, financial and transitional support for those who want out…

Blog Post

Talking Body Image: From Down Under

 In my last post, I described how I was given an opportunity to talk to a group of counselors and pastors in Auckland, New Zealand this past November. The title of my talk (and the video I presented) was Compassion. The theme was the effects of porn and other forms…

Blog Post

From Isolation to Connection (Part 4)

In the previous posts in this series, we’ve looked at the epidemic of loneliness plaguing our culture, its causes, and its relation to pornography addiction. And truthfully, it hasn’t always been pleasant reading. Diagnosing a problem rarely is. Yet, despite the increasing social isolation many of us experience, there is…

Blog Post

Porn in the Pew: Can You Love God and Porn at the Same Time?

It’s the thing nobody in the church wants to talk about. But it kills more marriages, drains more hearts, and ends more ministries than anything else. It’s the elephant in the church–pornography. The church has only three available responses: ignore it, condemn it, or address it. We have chosen to…

Blog Post

My Husband Watches Child Pornography

Recently we received a question from a woman whose husband views child porn. I caught my husband saving child porn. I have a son and a deep love for children. So I held onto these images, even though I told my husband and his parents that I destroyed them. I…

Blog Post

Why You Can’t Stop Thinking About Porn (And What to Do About It) 

If you’ve ever tried to quit porn—or if you’re trying now—you’ve probably noticed that it’s tough to stop thinking about porn. Why is that? Why does pornography seem to get stuck in your brain like a catchy tune? Even more importantly, what can you do practically to push porn thoughts…