Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

You just caught your child looking at porn. What do you do?

My friend Luke Gilkerson with Covenant Eyes interviewed me regarding how to respond to a parent who just caught his/her son in porn. Luke’s questions are in italics, with my responses underneath: Start with hope LG: Let’s say a dad came to see you for advice about his teenage son.…

Blog Post

Finding the Willpower to Defeat Porn: Part 1

“So Joshua fought the Amalekites as Moses had ordered, and Moses, Aaron and Hur went to the top of the hill. As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took…

Blog Post

All You Need for Quitting Porn (And for Everything Else)

What do you need to quit porn? 2 Peter 1:3 says “[God’s] divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness.” That’s a verse that makes me pause for a minute, especially at times when I feel overwhelmed, discouraged, or frustrated. Everything I need. Wow. Everything is…

Blog Post

Don’t Ignore Your Marriage After Sexual Addiction is Discovered

Over the past month I have given a few presentations at conferences for other therapists on the topic of Sex Addiction in marriage. It is such a neglected topic and has gotten me thinking. When pornography addiction or sex addiction is discovered, overwhelmingly couples are encouraged to focus on their…

Blog Post

The Two Best Predictors of Addictive Behavior

Ben’s eyes are bulging and red. He pounds the arm rest with clenched fists and growls, “Why do I keep going back to this stuff?!” Only, he didn’t say “stuff.” If porn were a person he could fight, Ben would rip them apart with his bare hands. Tormented, he looks up and…

Blog Post

Join the Fight: Help Covenant Eyes Save Lives

People come to Covenant Eyes with some terribly heartbreaking stories. We hear countless stories of parents who are devastated to discover their children have accessed pornography. We answer phone calls and e-mails from husbands and wives whose marriages are holding on by a thread after months and years of pornography…

Blog Post

I Created Porn in My Head: David Heughin’s Story

When David Heughins became a born-again Christian at five years old, porn was the last thing on his mind. Raised in a parsonage, he wasn’t supposed to “struggle” with anything. Unfortunately, David’s Christianity was mostly rules and fear. As a child, he was at the bottom of the metaphoric schoolyard…

Blog Post

Marriage Damaged by Porn: A Pastor’s Reflections

Dr. T. C. Ryan Recently I was asked about a very difficult situation. A woman has been married to a man with a long-term addiction to pornography.  The last few years he’s been trying to stop, but by his own efforts alone. When she asks him if he’s struggling he…