Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Dan’s Story: How Christ destroyed my addiction to lust

It all started for me in the mid-80s at a young age. It was all innocent enough. My neighborhood friend found his dad’s stash of Playboys and he showed them to me. Like all addictions, it started small and snowballed out of control. It started with Playboy, but when that…

Blog Post

Not Just a Man’s Problem

“I stumbled across a porn site by typing in a business address wrong. I went back out of curiosity. Within a matter of days I was doing it on a daily basis; within a matter of weeks, that is all I did. It literally took control and consumed my life.…

Blog Post

Therapeutic Disclosure: How It Can Help Your Marriage Heal

What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You Imagine you go to the doctor and learn that you might have cancer. You are sent home and told to come back next week to find out. You don’t know if you have cancer, what kind, or your prognosis. Suddenly you don’t know what…

Blog Post

My husband is addicted to porn! What did I do wrong?

I have heard both first-hand and second-hand statements from countless women who ask themselves what they could have done differently so their husbands wouldn’t look at porn. They even blame themselves when their husband has an affair or is caught seeing prostitutes. “Should I have given him more sex?” “Did I…

Blog Post

One Wife Speaks: My Husband’s 40-Year Addiction to Porn

I recently read this testimony from a woman on the blog, A Good Husband. It is a candid testimony of a woman whose husband has been going through a 40-year addiction to pornography. It was a sobering testimony to read. Many thanks to the anonymous woman behind these words: –…

Blog Post

Husband Addicted to Porn – New Christian Book Helps Hurting Women

“If you are reading this introduction, it’s most likely because God has unveiled your husband’s secret addiction to lust, masturbation, and pornography. Perhaps I am the first to say this to you: I’m so sorry. I’m sorry for all the feelings you have experienced that have risen from the depths…

Blog Post

You Are Still Loved: Raymond’s Story

Raymond didn’t grow up in a Christian household. He first saw porn at only nine years old, through a smartphone. His dad was fighting lung cancer, and Raymond remembers it as a stressful time. He thinks that is a big reason why he turned to porn. When his father passed…

Blog Post

My Worst Mommy Moment and How It Totally Changed My Parenting

When I became a mother, I was excited to teach my babies about life! They were like sponges. They just soaked up whatever I taught them. Talk about gorgeous. I am an extroverted Catholic mom of eight. I had a lot to say to a lot of little people. Here’s the…

Blog Post

What I should have told Bob Coy 29 years ago

Back in 1985, when I was an ambitious young church planter in South Florida trying desperately to make a name for myself, I met another young church planter who had just arrived from Las Vegas. I liked the guy right away, and we quickly became friends. His name was Bob…