Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

“My Boyfriend Loves Porn”: the Story of a Shattered Relationship

(Warning: this article contains some graphic language) You wear a seat belt for protection. But you don’t get addicted to riding in your car without it. You “get accountable” for protection…but in this case, without accountability, pornography addiction could be lurking at your door. Why do people, especially men, become addicted…

Blog Post

5 Ways Our Marriage Improved Without Porn

Marriage and porn. There are so many ways pornography can infiltrate. In our case, my husband, Craig, brought it in. The addiction started in his teens. It was his own personal escape from the reality of life and a way he could run from his fears and pain. He thought…

Blog Post

Porn Made Me Feel Like a Bad Parent: Barb’s Story

Five years ago, I learned my son was struggling with pornography. I was shocked and devastated. Feeling guilty and hopeless, I struggled to sleep and cried endlessly. I couldn’t understand how this had happened. He grew up in a Christian home with Christian principles. We talked openly about sex and…

Blog Post

Should a Pastor Be Fired for Viewing Porn?

Ask adult Christians what should be done if their pastor is using pornography, and 41% say, “He/she should be fired or asked to resign.”* Another 29% say the pastor should take a leave of absence until he/she stops using porn. Those over 50 years of age were more adamant about…

Blog Post

I’m finally quitting porn, so why do I feel worse?

Amy’s first exposure to internet pornography was accidental. At just 12 years old, she was at first shocked and disgusted but also felt a thrill—a strange rush accompanied by a sense of shame, which told her she should keep the experience a secret. As the days went by, she found the…

Blog Post

How Many Christians View Porn? A Lot, Actually

Today, one can easily say that porn has become the norm—even among churchgoers. A recent survey found among Christian men… 64% admit that they view pornography at least monthly. 77% of Millennial men (18-30 years old) view porn at least monthly. Among Millennial men, 36% say they view porn daily. The same…

Blog Post

4 Ways Porn Kills Great Sex in Marriage

Porn makes promises it can’t keep, especially when it comes to hot sex in marriage. Porn won’t spice up your sex life, and it won’t make you a better lover. Science and psychology show that sharing porn with your spouse or having a secret affair with porn will mess up…

Blog Post

Porn in the Pulpit: Facing It Head On

This post has been updated as of October 2020. In my last article, we addressed the subject, “Porn in the Pew.” While we know that 64% of self-identified Christian men and 15% of self-identified Christian women view pornography at least once a month (Barna Group), porn has also spread from the…