Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

5 Common Questions Kids Ask About Porn

One of my jobs at Covenant Eyes is to read all of the comments that people leave on this blog. Sometimes, I receive comments and questions from kids who feel all alone and don’t know who to talk to. If you’re a kid and you’re reading this, have you ever…

Blog Post

Yes, You Must Confess Your Porn Problem to Your Wife

It takes courage to admit that you’re addicted to porn. Letting your secret out to a friend is a crucial ingredient to freedom, but it is not enough. What now? Are going to tell me to strengthen my resolve and make a commitment to stop? No, I am not going…

Blog Post

Dangerous Men (Book Review)

I wasn’t sure what I was in for when I first picked up a copy of Dangerous Men: Beginning the Process of Lust-Free Living. The book is published with a real rugged feel to it: The pages look nothing like a textbook, but more like the field manual of a…

Blog Post

12 Ways You Can Turn the Tide of a Pornified Culture

“Who am I to say that porn is wrong?” “It’s not affecting anyone but themselves, so why does it matter?” “Those girls, they’re choosing to do these things. It’s how they make a living.” I could go on. Millions of excuses to justify pornography are made every day, but the truth is…

Blog Post

10 Reasons Parents Don’t Talk to Children about Sex and Porn

[Knock] [Knock]. “Zack, we need to talk. May I come in?” “Sure dad. What do you want to talk about?” Just moments earlier, walking down the hall with face flushed, palms sweating, heart pounding, and thoughts racing, this father was thinking, “How did it come to this? It just seems…

Blog Post

For Men Addicted to Porn: 8 Ways to Rebuild Trust with Your Wife

This post has been updated as of August, 2020. When a woman discovers her husband has been watching porn behind her back, it can feel absolutely devastating. It is a traumatic discovery in the truest sense of the word—the wife undergoes terrible trauma. These women often begin to doubt themselves, caught in…

Blog Post

Think On These Things: The Power of Pure Thoughts

by Leigh Seger Ahhh, January…and those New Year’s resolutions. Statistics published each year show that the inspiration to stay on track dissipates quickly. In fact, only 8% of us are successful in keeping those resolutions. But too many times the root cause of our many habits and hang-ups is never addressed:…

Support Article

Release Notes for Windows

Windows 9.2.82 Released May 14, 2024 Changed the software update text Improved filter stability Improved sign-in experience Windows 9.2.75 Released April 17, 2024 Restored silent install capability Windows 9.2.70 Released April 9, 2024 Replaced My Account link with Victory link Improved blocking performance Added Local DNS Activity monitor to Dashboard…

Last Updated: May 14, 2024