Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Youth Questions: I’m Addicted to Porn!

Our friend Tim Schmoyer does a great job talking to youth about a variety of tough topics, including the taboo subject of pornography. Watch his latest video where he gives youth the basics about why porn is wrong and how they can defeat temptation. Tim also shows a clip from…

Blog Post

Dear Abby: I'm female, 16, religious, and addicted to porn

I read a recent post by Dear Abby.  A 16-year-old girl admits her addiction to porn and asks for Abby’s advice.  I really appreciate the candid honesty of this girl, and the counsel Abby gives her.  Abby writes, “the problem with pornography is the distorted vision it gives viewers of what…

Blog Post

What Happens When Lust Trains Your Soul

While teaching at a men’s retreat, a standoffish young single challenged me with a purity question, “There are so many things in the Bible we don’t observe any longer. I mean, we don’t circumcise, or observe the Law, so why should sex be any different? If my girlfriend and I…

Blog Post

What is lust in the Bible?

You probably don’t hear the word “lust” very often outside of church these days. If, like me, you grew up in the heyday of evangelical Purity Culture, you probably heard it a lot! But even then, the concept often brought as much confusion as clarity. See related: The Unfortunate Intersection…

Blog Post

Breaking the Insane Rituals of Pornography

Watching pornography often involves several rituals—whether we’re aware of it or not. And whether we’re aware of it or not, it likewise requires rituals to break free from watching pornography. Anti-Ritualism in America If you’re a Christian struggling with porn, that may seem odd. A 2017 Pew Research poll showed…

Blog Post

Six Reasons Why Guys Like Porn (and how to break free)

I’ve been doing quite a bit of meditating on Proverbs 7 recently. In the text, King Solomon is looking out his window, looking down on the streets of Jerusalem, giving his commentary about a naïve man he sees strolling by the door of a prostitute. She lures him in. He…

Blog Post

My Biggest Addiction Isn’t Porn

For as long as I can remember I have had an issue with pride. I can remember back to the 4th grade when I was given a solo in the school Christmas program. I was all jazzed about getting to sing my heart out with my very own microphone. But…

Blog Post

From Porn to Purity – The Cycle of Addiction

Covenant Eyes Podcast – Episode 22 [display_podcast] Today on the Covenant Eyes Podcast, we will be playing part 2 of our interview with Jeff and Marsha Fisher. Jeff was a pastor and a church planter who was habitually and secretly looking at pornography. Jeff eventually lost his job as a…

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Release Notes for Mac®

Mac 3.12.1 Released September 16, 2024 Covenant Eyes can now be installed on macOS® 15 Sequoia Mac 3.12.0 Released May 29, 2024 Updated sign-in logic Fixed an update issue with some older versions of Covenant Eyes Fixed a performance issue Changed the software update text Mac 3.11.4 Released May 7,…

Last Updated: September 16, 2024

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Release Notes for iPhone®

iPhone Version 7.1.0 Released September 16, 2024 Replaced the word “blocking” with “filtering” Improved the sending of screenshots from the Report an Issue screen Added a ratings request after you’ve used the app for a while Added known usernames when you’re signing in Added a “Show Password” button to the…

Last Updated: September 16, 2024