Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

How to Move from Sin-Management to Real Freedom

When it comes to addressing pornography use or other sexual sins in the church, we often need to work on our message. At best, the church tries to encourage people against these things, and at worst, it points merciless fingers of accusation without compassion or understanding. From even the best…

Blog Post

The Power of Lust: Are You Addicted to Porn?

by Jerry Wright, Founder of Men Living Up There are many powerful struggles that can distract or destroy men. The most powerful of them all is sexual lust. Why is it such a struggle for men to remain pure and holy if we are made in God’s image? The core…

Blog Post

Killing Mr. Hyde: The Bible’s Plan for Overcoming Sin

In my conversations with Christians about pornography—especially those who are caught in the snare of it—I am often asked if there is any good reading they could do that would help them wrap their minds around their obsession with porn. I have recently added a book to my “must read”…

Blog Post

4 Non-Biblical Reasons Porn Is Ruining Your Life

Let’s admit it. It seems we constantly hear how porn is ruining your life. We hear how unethical pornography is and how those who consume it are sinning and on their way to hell. We hear it’s bad to look at sex and nude people on the Internet, magazines, or even sexually…

Blog Post

Understanding the Shame Cycle

Shame plays a very important role in the ongoing use of pornography. In his book Unwanted, Jay Stringer found that for each unit of shame they felt, men were 300x more likely and women were 546x more likely to look at porn. And, Dr. Patrick Carnes, a founding father of…

Blog Post

Strength Is Found in Numbers: Pastor Noah’s Freedom Story

Continued from Part 2 of Noah’s story… I was hooked on porn as a Bible college student. I fell back into it in the first years of my marriage. I wanted to flee marriage and pursue a life of promiscuity. As I clung to God through failure, his grace carried me through.…

Blog Post

Protecting Young Women from Cybersex

Bill and Christine called my office deeply distraught about their fifteen year-old daughter, Shannon. They had caught her sexting with her boyfriend. She was taking nude photos of herself with her cell phone camera and e-mailing them to her boyfriend. When confronted about it, Shannon’s response was “What’s the big…

Blog Post

Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction: The Science, Stats, and Stories of PIED

June is Men’s Health Awareness Month, so it’s time to talk about everybody’s favorite topic: porn-induced erectile dysfunction. “If you are under 40, and not on specific medications, and don’t have a serious medical or psychological condition, your copulatory ED almost certainly arises from performance anxiety or internet porn—or a…

Blog Post

The Intensity Trap: Why Porn Is Really Addicting

In the summer of 1966, I discovered a thrill that would keep me hooked for life. I was 11, and we were visiting an old amusement park in the downtown sector that featured one of the country’s biggest roller coasters, a rickety monstrosity rightfully called The Cyclone Racer. Even my…

Blog Post

Why Your Resolution to Quit Porn Will Fail Miserably (and how to succeed instead)

About 45% of Americans make New Year’s resolutions, and 88% of all resolutions end in failure. Your resolution this year might be to “lose weight,” “get organized,” or “quit smoking.” Regardless, there are good psychological reasons why most New Year’s resolutions, including the resolution to quit porn, fail. And when…