Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

3 Phases of Freedom

“Who wants a healthy snack?” It’s fun to see how people respond to this question. You often have people on one end of the spectrum who turn up their nose at the very thought of something healthy touching their lips. Then there are the people who decide to live a healthier…

Blog Post

Is Porn Bad?: 10 Things to Consider Before Watching

How bad can it be—everyone watches porn, right? It’s your own choice whether you want to or not, it doesn’t hurt anyone else. If you don’t like porn, just don’t watch it. These are common ideas today. But scientific research has found just the opposite. It tells us exactly why…

Blog Post

Sustaining Your Passion to Overcome Temptation

Have you ever heard a message that pulled you up by your bootstrap–that made you see something in a whole new light? After hearing it, you think, “Yes! Thank you, Jesus! This must be the missing piece of the puzzle. This is what I needed to never go back to pornography again!” Then you…

Blog Post

What Happens When You Stop Watching Porn?

So, you stop watching porn—what happens next? We find both good news and bad news, I’ll start with the bad. Stopping porn, especially if it’s a longtime habit, can be tough. If it were easy, you wouldn’t bother to read this. Some uncomfortable things happen when you make the effort…

Blog Post

Fantasies: The Window to Your Wound

Lust and fantasy are always symptoms of a deeper problem. The Bible says over and over in various ways that out of the heart flow the issues we face, not the other way around. Sin is the manifestation of something out of order at a much deeper level. This is…

Blog Post

Self-Condemnation: How to Let Go and Find Freedom in Christ

As I talk to people struggling with a pornography addiction, one of the main themes that keeps coming up is self-condemnation. Most of these people are very hard on themselves. They feel an immense amount of guilt and shame. I know well the struggle of being hard on myself. I’m…

Blog Post

Girls Like Porn Too: A Timely Message for Parents

Do girls like porn? It was just another normal day, doing homework after school. While doing research, 13-year-old Jessica Harris was intrigued by a particular video she found online. The thumbnail image was dark and blurry, but it grabbed her attention. After pressing the play button, Jessica found herself watching…

Blog Post

Bible Verses and Principles About Overcoming Temptation

Do you face temptation? Are there sins that just seem impossible to resist? At Covenant Eyes, we talk to people every day who find themselves unable to resist the impulse to look at porn.  See related: 5 Big Questions About Christians and Porn Regardless of what temptation you’re fighting, the…