Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

What do I say to my friend who struggles with sexual sin?

Many of us are in supportive roles for those who are struggling sexually. You might be a pastor, a counselor, a spouse, or a concerned friend. You are close to someone who has confessed their sexual sin to you and your friend needs your help. What do you say to…

Blog Post

Strategies for Singles to Keep the Weekends Porn-Free

Millions of people face a choice every weekend: to look or not to look at porn. Whether you’re a man or a woman, young or old, the option to watch porn presents itself on a myriad of computers, gaming systems, and mobile devices. One commenter on our blog wrote, “I…

Blog Post

A Critical Resolution for Parents in 2015

The Law of Diminishing Intent tells us that we are less likely to do something the more we put it off. Unfortunately, this means I have only a few minutes to convince you that this resolution is worthwhile, and you have, at best, a day to take action before you forget…

Blog Post

Finding Hope and Healing: Insights from Psalm 42

Heatwaves swept the Pacific Northwest this summer. They turned the landscape from green to brown. Along the US-Canada border in Montana, the soil sucked up every bit of moisture. Cattle crowded under trees for shade and crows perched with beaks agape. The air was smoky from wildfires. It reminds me…

Blog Post

Porn Use as Grounds for Divorce: How My Opinion Changed

“I am hurting so much over this…If I believed in divorce I would already have done it, and I am beginning to maybe believe divorce is ok. After all, this seems like a type of adultery to me. Am I wrong?” – Mary Ann After writing more than 1,200 articles for…

Blog Post

Jay Stringer’s 3 Key Predictors of Porn Use

What if I told you that your use of pornography could reveal your way to healing? As a licensed mental health counselor and ordained minister, I’ve seen firsthand that sexual brokenness is the stage through which the work of redemption can play out in our lives. Although we are prone…

Blog Post

The Best and Worst Day of My Life: Greg’s Story

I have a hard and painful story to share with you, but in the end, there is hope. I stand before you today only by the grace of God. My name is Greg Swartz, and I am being healed from sexual addiction. My hometown of 1200 people was the type…

Blog Post

6 Reasons Men and Women Are Drawn to Porn

I used to watch porn a lot. I hated how much I loved it, because I knew it was slowly chipping away at my soul, my relationship with God, and my ability to relate to women. What fed my love of porn more than anything was the lie that sex…

Blog Post

Why Nighttime Is Danger Time (And How to Resist Its Pull)

Nighttime for many men and women is danger time. Before I got free of my addiction to pornography, nighttime was a dangerous time for me. Especially after a long day of work, I felt a strong temptation to watch pornography during the evenings, and I’d often sadly give in to the…